October 23rd to 26th the Dr. Nielsen (I presume) group travelled to Tovetorp research station south of Stockholm to attend the annual meeting of the SCAndinavian Pollination Ecologists (SCAPE).

The SCAPE logo

Every year, in October, Pollination ecologists from throughout Europe and beyond team up to present and discuss their work. The SCAPE meeting rotate among Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland and the venue for the 28th annual meeting was Tovetorp Research Station just south of Stockholm. Dr. Nielsen him self brought along Helge and Julie from the PolliClim project as well as Eivind from the "Grazing effects on bumblebees" project in Hol. To fill the car we also took with us Ørjan Totland from NMBU.

The meeting was excellent as always and both networking and scientific activities went well. The PolliClim project was presented by Dr. Nielsen while both Helge and Julie presented the basic ideas of their master projects. They both got invaluable feedback and were able to discuss and learn from other researchers attending the meeting. Indeed a great success.

By Anders Nielsen
Published June 18, 2018 11:18 AM - Last modified Oct. 31, 2018 2:16 PM