SUSTAIN Kick Off meeting

The Kick Off meeting for our SUSTAIN project will take place in Olso, at Bikuben, Dept. of Biology, campus Blindern, University of Oslo, the 29th - 30th October 2015.

You can find the preliminary program and a list of confirmed participants below.

Programme – Oslo, 29/30 October 2015

Thursday October 29 (Day 1)

1200 – 1240 Opening

 1200 – 1220 Prof. Nils Chr. Stenseth (SUSTAIN PI): Welcome, objectives of this meeting and SUSTAIN proposal summary

1220 – 1240 A short introduction by each kick-off participant: 30 sec – 1 min each

1240 – 1345 Lunch

1345 – 1430 Presentation of the three SUSTAIN nodes (10min+5min questions)

1345 – 1400 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES): Prof Nils Chr. Stenseth (PI)

1400 – 1415 Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics (CBD): Prof. Bernt-Erik Sæther (co-PI)

1415 – 1430 University of Tromsø: Prof. Rolf A. Ims (co-PI)

1430 – 1540 Presentation of the SUSTAIN national partners/collaborators (7min+3min)

1430 – 1440 NINA Tromsø: Torkild Tveraa / Audun Stien

1440 – 1450 Norwegian Polar Institute: Åshild Ønvik Pedersen

1450 – 1500 NINA Trondheim: Erling Solberg

1500 – 1510 IMR/HI: Are Salthaug

1510 – 1520 Norsk Regnesentral: Sondre Aanes

1520 – 1530 NIVA: Jannicke Moe

1530 – 1540 MET Norway: Arne Melsom

1540 – 1600 Coffee break

1600 – 1725 Short presentations: PhD students and postdoc/researchers’ individual presentations (5min-7min): your questions that are relevant for SUSTAIN, the expertise you can bring in, and the things you need help with, all in about 5 or 6 slides.

1600 – 1605 Luis Cadahía-Lorenzo (CEES-UiO)

1605 – 1610 Øystein Langangen (CEES-UiO)

1610 – 1615 Jan Ohlberger (CEES-UiO)

1615 – 1620 Chloe Rebecca Nater (CEES-UiO)

1620 – 1625 Leana Deris (CEES-UiO)

1625 – 1640 Ivar Herfindal (CBD-NTNU)

1640 – 1645 Brage Bremset Hansen (CBD-NTNU)

1645 – 1650 Bart Peeters (CBD-NTNU)

1650 – 1655 Aline Magdalena Lee (CBD-NTNU)

1655 – 1700 Filippo Marolla (UiT)

1700 – 1705 Jarad Mellard (UiT)

1705 – 1710 Edwige Bellier (UiT)

1710 – 1715 Sandra Hamel (UiT)

1715 – 1730 Coffee break

1730 – 1745 End-users: plans and contact

1745 – 1815 Project results and the book: what are we to deliver?

1815 – 1830 Recap of Day 1 and introduction to Day 2.

1900 – 2200 Dinner at Louise (Aker Brygge)


Friday October 30 (Day 2)

0900 – 1000 The science in SUSTAIN: introduction to the WPs and tasks from each WP leader

0900 – 0910 WP1: Øystein Langangen

0910 – 0920 WP2: Aline Magdalena Lee

0920 – 0930 WP3: Øystein Langangen (Joël Durant)

0930 – 0940 WP5: Nigel Yoccoz (John-André Henden)

0940 – 0950 WP6: Sandra Hamel

1000 – 1200 “Cross-WP” meetings: six whiteboards, one for each WP, the WP-leader or one of the people involved in the WP will always be present by their WP board, the rest move around to explore possibilities for interaction, collaboration, data exchange, etc.

1000 – 1130 Participants will have 15min to spend around each WP whiteboard and/or discussing each WP

1130 – 1200 Plenum discussion and sharing of ideas of potential new collaborations, interactions, etc.

1200 – 1215 Final remarks and closing

1215 – 1315 Lunch


Published Feb. 19, 2015 5:48 PM - Last modified Oct. 28, 2015 4:25 PM