About us

The CompSci programme will train a new generation of natural science researchers with disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transferable skills and a foundation in computational methods – providing them with the knowledge, skills and vision to digitally transform the European education, research, government and industry sectors.

man and woman talking
Photo: Hans Fredrik Asbjørnsen/UiO.

Digital technology is transforming science, industry and society at large, giving rise to a need for researchers and innovators with the deep skills in computing necessary to ensure Europe becomes a driving force in the emerging digital market. CompSci will train computationally proficient researchers to become Europe’s digital leaders across disciplines and sectors.

The CompSci programme is a 5-year programme hosted by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Oslo. It will offer 32 PhD positions of 36 months each in two calls over the programme period, a total of 1152 researcher months. It is based on an open, transparent and merit-based selection process where aspiring researchers from any nationality will be encouraged to apply.

The doctoral training emphasizes the development of computational skills and application and integration of these skills in a research project, in addition to transferable skills training in a cross-sector secondment. It will be open to applicants of all nationalities according to the MSCA mobility criteria. Fellowships will be awarded based on the quality of the applicant’s CV, motivation letter, and match to research projects. Candidates may choose among a large set (48 topics for 32 positions) of research projects, research groups and supervisors according to the MSCA principle of individual-driven mobility.

The programme had its first call for applicants with deadline March 12021 and the first cohort of PhD candidates have started in autumn 2021. Successful candidates were enrolled in the Faculty’s doctoral programme and employed at UiO.

The second call will open on November 1, 2021, with application deadline on February 1, 2022, and start of the doctoral programme for Call 2 projects will be autumn 2022. During Call 2, the Call 1 projects will not be open for applications. 

  • CompSci team
    • Meet the members of the Programme Office
  • People
    • Meet the CompSci supervisors and PhD candidates
  • Secondment partners
    • Check our list of partners both academic and non-academic
  • PhD programme
    • Learn more about our training program and projects
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