CompSci Workshop 2

Welcome to this one-week workshop for CompSci PhD candidates enrolled in the MN Faculty's PhD programme.

During this workshop you will learn about: Data structures and large data set, Oral communication, Open science and data sharing, RRI & Gender bias




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Monday, 25 September

08:00 - Start

Welcome to the workshop
Tone Skramstad, Head of office, Center for Computing in Science Education (CCSE)

Data structures and large data sets - Introductory talk and practical sessions
James Richard Catmore, Researcher, Department of Physics, University of Oslo
Eirik Gramstad, Researcher, Department of Physics, University of Oslo

12:30 - 13:15 - Lunch
Cake and coffee/tea

Data structures and large data sets - Advance particle physics data structures (PHYSLITE format)
James Richard Catmore, Researcher, Department of Physics, University of Oslo
Eirik Gramstad, Researcher, Department of Physics, University of Oslo

15:15 - Break

FRONT and Gender bias
Lotta Snickare, Researcher in FRONT (Future Research- and Organizational Development in Natural Sciences, Technology and Theology), The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Marthe Amundsen, Project leader for FRONT (Future Research- and Organizational Development in Natural Sciences, Technology and Theology), The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

17:30 - End

Tuesday, 26 September

08:00 - Start

Data structures and large data sets - Particle physics data analysis techniques
James Richard Catmore, Researcher, Department of Physics, University of Oslo
Eirik Gramstad, Researcher, Department of Physics, University of Oslo

12:30 - 13:15 - Lunch
Waffles and coffee/tea

Responsible Research Innovation (RRI)
Responsible? I am responsible! - Why researchers should care about politics and responsibility
Anders Braarud Hanssen, Senior Adviser, Faculty of Technology, Arta and Design, Oslo Metropolitan University

17:30 - End

Wednesday, 27 September

09:00 - Start

Oral communication - Key elements for better presentations
Torunn Meyer, Professional Presentation Skills Trainer and Actress

11:30 - 12:30 Lunch

Oral communication - Practice in groups
Torunn Meyer, Professional Presentation Skills Trainer and Actress

Oral communication - Summary, questions and reflection
Torunn Meyer, Professional Presentation Skills Trainer and Actress

16:00 - End

Thursday, 28 September

09:00 - Start

Oral communication - Key elements for better presentations - Reflections
Torunn Meyer, Professional Presentation Skills Trainer and Actress

Oral communication - PowerPoint and valuable tips for persuasive presentations
Torunn Meyer, Professional Presentation Skills Trainer and Actress

11:30 - 12:30 - Lunch

Oral communication - Practice in groups
Torunn Meyer, Professional Presentation Skills Trainer and Actress

Oral communication - Summary, questions and reflection
Torunn Meyer, Professional Presentation Skills Trainer and Actress

16:00 - End

Friday, 29 September

08:00 - Start

Data structures and large data sets - Integrating the workflow with machine learning tools
James Richard Catmore, Researcher, Department of Physics, University of Oslo
Eirik Gramstad, Researcher, Department of Physics, University of Oslo

12:30 - 13:15 - Lunch
Cake and coffee/tea

Open science and data sharing
Matthew Good, Senior Academic Librarian, University of Oslo Library
Elisa Pierfederici, Adviser, University of Oslo Library
Anne Schad Bergsaker, Section Manager, USIT

17:30 - End


Register here

Registration deadline September 1, 2023



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Published June 2, 2023 2:42 PM - Last modified June 11, 2024 11:54 AM