CompSci Workshop 2

Welcome to this one-week workshop for CompSci PhD candidates enrolled in the MN Faculty's PhD programme.

During this workshop you will learn about: Data structures and large data set, Oral communication, Open science and data sharing, RRI & Gender bias




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Monday, 5 February

08:00 - Start

Welcome to the workshop
Tone Skramstad, Head of office, Center for Computing in Science Education (CCSE)

Data structures and large data sets - Introductory talk and practical sessions
James Richard Catmore, Researcher, Department of Physics, University of Oslo
Eirik Gramstad, Researcher, Department of Physics, University of Oslo

12:30 - 13:15 - Lunch
Cake and coffee/tea

Data structures and large data sets - Advance particle physics data structures (PHYSLITE format)
James Richard Catmore, Researcher, Department of Physics, University of Oslo
Eirik Gramstad, Researcher, Department of Physics, University of Oslo

15:15 - Break

FRONT and Gender bias
Marthe Amundsen, Project leader for FRONT (Future Research- and Organizational Development in Natural Sciences, Technology and Theology), The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UiO

Susann Andersen, Adviser, HR Section, The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UiO

17:30 - End

Tuesday, 6 February

08:00 - Start

Data structures and large data sets - Particle physics data analysis techniques
James Richard Catmore, Researcher, Department of Physics, University of Oslo
Eirik Gramstad, Researcher, Department of Physics, University of Oslo

12:30 - 13:15 - Lunch
Waffles and coffee/tea

Responsible Research Innovation (RRI)
Responsible? I am responsible! - Why researchers should care about politics and responsibility
Anders Braarud Hanssen, Senior Adviser, Faculty of Technology, Arta and Design, Oslo Metropolitan University

17:30 - End

Wednesday, 7 February

09:00 - Start

Oral communication - Key elements for better presentations
Torunn Meyer, Professional Presentation Skills Trainer and Actress

11:30 - 12:30 Lunch

Oral communication - Practice in groups
Torunn Meyer, Professional Presentation Skills Trainer and Actress

Oral communication - Summary, questions and reflection
Torunn Meyer, Professional Presentation Skills Trainer and Actress

16:00 - End

Thursday, 8 February

09:00 - Start

Oral communication - Key elements for better presentations - Reflections
Torunn Meyer, Professional Presentation Skills Trainer and Actress

Oral communication - PowerPoint and valuable tips for persuasive presentations
Torunn Meyer, Professional Presentation Skills Trainer and Actress

11:30 - 12:30 - Lunch

Oral communication - Practice in groups
Torunn Meyer, Professional Presentation Skills Trainer and Actress

Oral communication - Summary, questions and reflection
Torunn Meyer, Professional Presentation Skills Trainer and Actress

16:00 - End

Friday, 9 February

08:00 - Start

Data structures and large data sets - Integrating the workflow with machine learning tools
James Richard Catmore, Researcher, Department of Physics, University of Oslo
Eirik Gramstad, Researcher, Department of Physics, University of Oslo

12:30 - 13:15 - Lunch
Cake and coffee/tea

Open science and data sharing
Matthew Good, Senior Academic Librarian, University of Oslo Library
Elisa Pierfederici, Adviser, University of Oslo Library

17:30 - End

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Published June 9, 2023 11:13 AM - Last modified June 11, 2024 12:01 PM