Practical information for current fellows

In this page you can find information about your employment benefits, resources, tools and contact points, as well as instructions on how to acknowledge and report your work and research activities

Employment benefits

As a CompSci PhD candidate, you will be employed at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The employment conditions include:

Attractive welfare benefits

  • Paid sick leave: If you cannot attend work due to own or your child's illness, you must notify your immediate superior immediately. Familiarise yourself with the routines, rights and obligations that apply to sick leaves here.
  • Paid parental leave: When you are expecting a child through birth or adoption, you are entitled to a paid parental leave and your contract will be extended according to the length of your parental leave. You need to send a notice to the parental leave team who will invite you and your manager to a meeting and follow you up until you're back at work. Find more information about your rights and obligations here.
  • Other leaves of absence: You can find more information about other leaves of absence here.
  • 5 weeks holiday: Learn more about the holiday regulations here.
  • Generous pension agreement: learn more about the pension scheme for UiO employees here.
  • InsuranceHere is an overview of the most important insurances that apply to employees at UiO. 

Career development

Access to special career development programmes, and research schools. Besides from the CompSci programme, you can get career development support from UiO, MN and National Research Schools. Membership to these schools is free and gives you access to high quality courses and grants.

Employee benefits

This benefits include: exercise during work hours, bike parking and showers, training activities organized by UiOBIL, kindergarten, cabin rent, welfare loan, activities organized by the Cultural Committee, Art Club... Find more information here.


Read more about employment and working conditions at UiO in the CompSci website or the UiO website.


Resources, tools and contact points

You can work with some of Europe's best researchers in Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and take part in exciting research projects. The faculty has over 830 active PhD candidates and more than 130 candidates defend their dissertations annually.

Resources and tools

You can find information about the PhD programme at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and different resources and tools available here.

Speak up!

UiO shall be a safe and open working environment for everyone. We would like to remind everyone of the different reporting mechanisms that the University of Oslo has available to staff and students.

We want you to speak up whether this is about:

  • Needs related to the daily operation of UiOs buildings,  cleaning, outdoor space, waste, internal relocation, courier services or other maintenance work.
  • Incidents that have led to or could cause harm to people, the environment and facilities, as well as violations of safety regulations (HSE non-conformities)
  • Experiences of harassment of any kind or other censurable conditions that may be detrimental to UiO or to individual persons

More information about this and how to speak up can be found on our "Speak up!" web pages.

Important contact points

It is also important that you know who you can contact when you find yourself in a difficult situation, besides the CompSci Project Manager. Some important contact points:

  • The Science Ombud at UiO: The Science Ombud is an independent and impartial authority for all academic staff at the University of Oslo, for issues and disputes concerning good scientific practice, research integrity and research ethics.
  • The Occupational Health Service Unit: For a confidential talk with a specialist in a free and independent position regarding occupational health the psychosocial and organizational working environment ergonomics and occupational hygiene
  • Bullying and sexual harassment: UiO takes mobbing and sexual harassment seriously and encourages you to speak up if you experience it. As a member of staff, you have the duty to blow the whistle if you see others being bullyed or harassed at UiO.
  • Other relevant contact points

How to acknowledge the EU funding

Remember that you must acknowledge the EU funding on posters, PowerPoint presentations, publications, etc.

For this, please, use the following text: "This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement Nº 945371".

This text should appear in the acknowledgement part in publications, on the front page of PowerPoint presentations and in the posters. For the PowerPoint presentations and posters, please, use it together with the EU emblem.

Visual elements

→ Download the EU emblem combined with the text in 3 lines

→ Download the EU emblem combined with the text in 4 lines

→ Download the EU emblem


Reporting in CRIStin

CRIStin (Current Research Information System in Norway) is the official national reporting system used by researchers and research institutions in Norway to register and profile publication data, projects and competences.

You need to register in CRIStin your publications, reports, abstracts, lectures, presentations, posters, exhibitions, videos, interviews, editorials, chronicles, short and long research visits, prices, popular scientific articles, notices and other forms of media content.

When you do this, you have to include the EU's project number: 945371.

CRIStin log in     More information about CRIStin

Reporting to CompSci

Scientific findings

Fellows will be asked to submit their scientific findings twice during their contract:

  • Midterm evaluation
  • Final report

Research activities and achievements

Fellows are expected to inform the CompSci team about their research activities and achievements such as:

  1. Important press releases and/or journal articles where you participated
  2. Events that you are involved in or attended to
  3. Talks that you gave
  4. Awards that you received
  5. Any recognition of your project
  6. Publications
  7. Other 

Remember, everything counts! Big and small.

Register your research activity or achievement in this Nettskjema

Short research stays and secondments

Fellows need to inform the CompSci team about their short research stays and secondments:

  • Short visits imply mobility to another location outside the physical premises of the beneficiary (i.e. UiO), including internationally. However, the work done there continues to be supervised directly by the beneficiary. Short visits can only represent a small part of the project duration. Short visits, are typically  i.e. of a few days, but the EU has not defined this clearly, as the difference is not only the "time spent" criterion, but it also depends on the purpose of the fellow’s visit to the host institution. During short visits, fellows do not receive training and they are not supervised.
  • A secondment is a temporary transfer to another entity in any sector, anywhere in the world at any time during the action, typically to perform part of the research or to gain experience. Secondments can take place for up to a maximum of one third of the standard duration of the project. Secondments are expected to include supervision, to bring a clear added value to the research, and should be covered by the employment contract with the beneficiary. The duration of the secondments should be limited to a maximum of one third of the actual months spent implementing the research training activities under the action. Note that all secondments can be divided into several shorter periods.

Register your research stay or secondment in this Nettskjema


CompSci aims to secure high ethical standards and the program adheres to the European Commission’s ethical principles of Horizon 2020.  All research projects in the program must abide with EU and national/local ethics regulations of the University of Oslo.

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