Moving to Oslo

International Staff Mobility Office (ISMO) at the University of Oslo will assist recruited researchers prior to their arrival, upon their arrival and during their stay.

people walking on the promenade at Aker brygge in Oslo.
The promenade at Aker Brygge in Oslo. Photo: VisitOSLO/Didrick Stenersen.

In concrete terms, ISMO will offer assistance with

  • residence permits
  • finding housing
  • help dealing with tax issues
  • finding childcare
  • other practical challenges related to moving to a new country.

In this context, it should be underlined that it is a prerequisite that the fellows move to Norway by the time of employment and live here during the PhD.

ISMO supports incoming international staff, PhD candidates, guest researchers and their families with relocation to UiO.

Read more about moving to and living in Oslo, work-life balance and the Norwegian welfare state by visiting the websites of ISMO.

people ice skating at the christmas marked in Oslo.
Ice skating at the Christmas market in Oslo. Photo: VisitOSLO/Didrick Stenersen.
Published Aug. 26, 2020 2:49 PM - Last modified Dec. 21, 2021 4:45 PM