Associate Professor Kai Olav Ellefsen

portrait photo

Affiliation: Department of Informatics, University of Oslo 


Research interest

My research interests cover many topics in Artificial Intelligence, including evolutionary algorithms, artificial neural networks, adaptation and learning. A key motivation is how much computer systems has to gain from taking inspiration from nature to become more robust and intelligent.

One example is the ability to continuously learn through life, and build on previous experiences when learning new things. AI systems that try to do such continual learning instead create interference between learned behaviors. Taking inspiration from nature, I and my collaborators are aiming to make machines more robust and intelligent with the powerful learning capabilities of biological beings.

Short Bio

Ellefsen received his M.Sc. and (Ph.D) degrees in computer science  from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, University of Trondheim in 2010 and 2014, respectively. During his PhD studies, Ellefsen was also a visiting researcher at the University of Wyoming for 6 months (2013). He worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Brazilian Institute of Robotics between 2014-2016; and a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oslo 2016-2019. Since 2019, he has been an Associate Professor at the Department of Informatics, University of Oslo. Ellefsen is a board member of the Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Society (NAIS).

Supervisor for the following CompSci projects

Published Oct. 29, 2021 10:47 AM - Last modified Oct. 29, 2021 2:55 PM