Professor Boris Gudiksen



Affiliation: Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics, University of Oslo


Research interest

My main research interests are aligned with the vision of the Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics: “Understanding the workings of the energetic Sun”.

The main methods to accomplish this goal is through the development of novel numerical methods to produce massive numerical simulations.

Short bio

PhD from Stockholm University, Sweden, in 2004. Assistant professor at the University of Oslo from 2007 and full professorship at the University of Oslo from 2018. The main developer of the pre-eminent solar atmosphere simulation code Bifrost.

Received Naturvetar priset for best PhD thesis in Sweden, 2004 and is now PI of the Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics (a centre of excellence funded by the Research council of Norway) since 2017.

See list of publications on Orchid 

Supervisor for the following CompSci project

Published Sep. 17, 2020 3:24 PM - Last modified Oct. 13, 2021 7:26 AM