Professor Kirstin Krüger

portrait photo

Affiliation: Department of Geosciences, Meteorology and Oceanography Section


Research interest

I am an atmospheric scientist, focusing my research on the role of dynamics and the transport from ozone and climate relevant gases from the Earth and Ocean surface to the stratosphere. I have strong expertise in both marine observations and modelling of high resolution transport, Middle Atmosphere, Chemistry Climate, and Earth System Models. Together with colleagues from Biogeochemical Oceanography and Volcanology, I have established multidisciplinary research at the upfront of the international research. For example my work contributed to improve volcanic forcing data sets for Earth Systems Models used for the upcoming WMO ozone and IPCC reports.

Short bio

Since October 2013, I am Full Professor in Meteorology at the University of Oslo. I studied Meteorology at the Goethe University of Frankfurt and Free University of Berlin, where I also completed my study program and graduated with a PhD in Meteorology in 2002. After a short period at the Alfred Wegener Institute in Potsdam I became Juniorprofessor at IFM-GEOMAR in Kiel during 2005. During this time, I had several scientific exchange stays at Toronto University of Canada, Kyushu University in Japan, NWRA in Boulder USA, and MPI-for Meteorology in Hamburg Germany.

Overall, I successfully supervised more than 20 students on Diplom, Bachelor, Master and PhD level. Currently, I lead a large multidisciplinary project on “Volcanic Impacts on Climate, Environment, and Vikings Society during 500-1250 CE” with up to 20 team members; my working group consists of 6. My hobby’s include sailing, cycling, skiing, yoga, and recently baking sourdough bread.  

Publications (recently and most relevant): 

  • Brenna, H., Kutterolf, S., Mills, M. J., and Krüger, K.: The potential impacts of a sulfur- and halogen-rich supereruption such as Los Chocoyos on the atmosphere and climate, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 6521–6539,, 2020. 
  • Brenna, H., S. Kutterolf, and K. Krüger: Global ozone depletion and increase of UV radiation caused by pre-industrial tropical volcanic eruptions, Scientific Reports, 9, Article number: 9435, 2019.
  • Toohey, M., K. Krüger, H. Schmidt, C. Timmreck, M. Sigl, M. Stoffel, R. Wilson, Extratropical volcanic eruptions produce disproportionately strong climate forcing Nature Geoscience,, Nature Geoscience, 12, pages 100–107, 2019.
  • See list of publications at ORCID.
  • See list of publications at Krüger's webpages at the University of Oslo.

Supervisor for the following CompSci project

Published Aug. 19, 2020 3:16 PM - Last modified Oct. 14, 2021 11:53 PM