Senior Researcher Ainara Nova

portrait photo


Affiliation: Centre for Materials Science and Nanotechnology (SMN) and Hylleraas Centre for Quantum Molecular Science, Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo


Research interest 

I am interested in applying computational methods together with experimental techniques to study homogeneous and heterogeneous reaction mechanisms involving organometallic molecular catalysts and metal-organic frameworks (MOFs).

The main goal of my research is to gain fundamental chemical understanding and use it to develop more efficient catalytic systems. The reactions I am currently focusing on are the conversion of small molecules such as CO2 and methane into industrially relevant chemicals and fuels. 

Short bio

Ainara Nova is a permanent researcher at the Centre for Materials Science and Nanotechnology (SMN) and associate member at the Hylleraas Centre for Quantum Molecular Sciences located at the Department of Chemistry in the University of Oslo. She got her Ph.D. at the University of Barcelona (Bellaterra, Spain) in 2008. After a first postdoc of 2 years in Montpellier (France), she went back to Spain for a second postdoc in ICIQ (Tarragona) until 2012, when she moved to Norway.

During her career, Dr. Nova has specialized in the computational study of reaction mechanisms with homogeneous catalysts, and more recently, with MOF-based heterogeneous catalysts.  She has more than 50 publications (H-index 26) in collaboration with national and international experimental groups, and has supervised 1 MSc and 5 Ph.D. students. Dr. Nova is currently leading one national (FRIPRO-YT) and two international projects (MSCA-ITN, Nordic University Hub) involving experimental and computational groups.

Supervisor for the following CompSci project

Published Aug. 19, 2020 3:30 PM - Last modified Oct. 14, 2021 11:53 PM