Workshop on gender equality for PhD supervisors

Welcome to the workshop for PhD supervisors organized by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences offers this workshop about gender equality to our PhD supervisors. The workshop is in addition to the standard supervision course offered at UiO. 


09:00   Welcome – Aim of the workshop

09:30   Academic traditions, norms and preferences, by Professor Knut Liestøl, IFI

10:30   Gender equality at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences – results 
             from the FRONT project

11:45   Lunch break

12:30   How does this affect my work as a PhD supervisor? Group discussion

13:15   The role of PhD supervision in the MN faculty´s research strategy, by Dean Solveig Kristensen 

14:00   Evaluation and conclusion

Registration is no longer available.The workshop will be held in English.  


The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Published Feb. 2, 2021 4:35 PM - Last modified Apr. 6, 2021 12:01 PM