Network for top female researchers

The network for top female researchers consists of selected researchers from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. This is an arena in which experiences are exchanged and which stimulates the further successful academic careers of its members. The network is also an important advisory body to the faculty’s management.

The network’s objectives

  • Increase the proportion of women in higher management positions at the faculty
  • Increase the proportion of women managing major research groups at the faculty, such as ERC Grants, Centres of Excellence
  • Through the use of dialogue tools, have qualified exchanges of experience and collegial guidance for members
  • Conduct discussions on theoretical input regarding topics chosen by the participants


Leader of the network: Dean Solveig Kristensen

Coordinator: Anne Husby Mork 

Organisation of the network

The network consists of top female research talents selected from the departments at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Candidates for this network are nominated by the department management.

The selected candidates are considered excellent candidates to lead and secure funding for major international research projects. New members will be admitted when required.

The network is an important sparring partner for and advisory body to the faculty’s management in relation to the strategic change processes taking place at the faculty.

    Working method

    • 3 to 5 meetings each year

    • Meetings that focus on exchanges of experience and collegial guidance