
Upcoming 5 days

today July
Time and place: , The Climate House, Natural History Museum

Visit our Museum Lab with activities for all children. The Lab is open every day between June 29th and August 4th.

18 July
Time and place: , The Climate House, Natural History Museum

Visit our Museum Lab with activities for all children. The Lab is open every day between June 29th and August 4th.

19 July
Time and place: , The Climate House, Natural History Museum

Visit our Museum Lab with activities for all children. The Lab is open every day between June 29th and August 4th.

20 July
Time and place: , The Climate House, Natural History Museum

Visit our Museum Lab with activities for all children. The Lab is open every day between June 29th and August 4th.

21 July
Time and place: , The Climate House, Natural History Museum

Visit our Museum Lab with activities for all children. The Lab is open every day between June 29th and August 4th.

Further upcoming events

Time and place: , Niels Henrik Abels building, University of Oslo

SCV conference 2024, remembering Nils Øvrelid

Time and place: , Online

In this first Circle U. Open Conversation with Professor Dan Banik we will explore the interconnectedness of major global challenges and the need for a collective, optimistic mindset to drive meaningful change.

Time and place: , Auditorium 1, the Geology building, Blindern

Welcome to the Department of Geosciences! We're thrilled to have you join us. Kick off your master’s journey by attending our information meeting, where you'll get all the essentials about your Geosciences or CS: Geoscience studies and what to expect as the academic year begins.

Time and place: , Aud. 5 Vilhelm Bjerknes hus

Hvordan kan vi legge til rette for at studentene prioriterer fysisk oppmøte til undervisning? På REAL Undervisning løfter vi dette spørsmålet, og inviterer til inspirerende foredrag og samtaler om et godt læringsmiljø.

Time and place: , Bakgården, Arendal city center.

Society must use more artificial intelligence (AI) and it needs to happen faster for us to be able to solve major challenges in all sectors. Integreat and partners invite you to a conversation to take a closer look at specific challenges and possible solutions.