Nordic AI Meet

Nordic AI Meet – 14 and 15 November 2022, Oslo, Norway.
Join for a conference with some of the world's brightest minds in the field of AI to learn, inspire and build a community. The NordicAIMeet symposium provides a platform for young AI researchers to exchange ideas, build collaborations and form a nordic approach to building AI solutions for the societal good.

Following the successful conference last year with a lineup of excellent speakers, is happy to share the news that our keynotes for the NordicAIMeet 2022 will be Professor Anders C. Hansen, Cambridge University & University of Oslo, Professor Christian Igel, University of Copenhagen, Professor Amy Loutfi, Örebro University, and Professor Nitin Sawhney, Aalto University.
Important Dates:

  • 1st of June: Registration opens for interested participants
  • 29th of August: Deadline to submit abstracts
  • 16th of September: Notification of shortlisted abstracts
  • 31st of October: Registration closes
  • 1st of November: Submit your paper if you opt to publish it in the Nordic Machine Intelligence Journal
  • 14th and 15th of November: Nordic AI Meet Conference Dates

Read more about the conference at

Published Aug. 19, 2022 1:16 PM - Last modified Aug. 19, 2022 2:31 PM