Previous events - Page 102

Time and place: , Zoom Virtual Meeting

Hylleraas seminar, hosted in Oslo

Time and place: , Zoom

Doctoral candidate Silvia Lavagnini  at the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is  defending the thesis Stochastic Modelling in Energy Markets - From the Spot Price to Derivative Contracts for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Time and place: , Zoom

Abstract: New estimates of heat loss from Earth's interior (the mantle) suggest that the Pacific side of the planet has been losing heat at a much higher rate compared to the African side. The difference in heat loss amounts to almost 50 degrees more cooling of the Pacific side over the past 400 million years.

This talk is part of the Mechanics Lunch Seminar series. That means 20min talks plus discussion in an informal setting.

Zoom: To obtain the Zoom meeting details please contact Timo Koch (timokoch at

Time and place: , Zoom

Doctoral candidate Krister Gjestvang Grønlien at the Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis "Sustainable use of rest raw materials: Properties of collagen from turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) and potential pharmaceutical and biomedical applications" for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Time and place: , Online

Miguel Zumalacarregui, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Germany.

Time and place: , Eksamen gjennomføres digital i zoom

Coccolithophores of Inner Oslofjorden

Time and place: ,

Long distance gene regulation in chromatin

Time and place: , Eksamen gjennomføres digital i zoom

Trade-off between moult and brood size in the blue tit - an experiment

Time and place: , Zoom

Dr. Chloé-Agathe Azencott, Researcher at the Centre for Computational Biology (CBIO) of Mines ParisTech, Institut Curie, and INSERM, Paris, France, will present her work on "Network-guided genome-wide association studies."

Time and place: , Eksamen gjennomføres digital i zoom

Metabarcoding-driven discovery of copepod parasites

Time and place: , Digital (using Webinar)

The SCANDEM annual meeting for the Nordic Microscopy Society will be helt 17th of June 2021. This year the meeting is hosted digitally by University of Oslo. The meeting is helt digitally.

Time and place: , Online

The 71st annual meeting of the Nordic Microscopy Society.

Time and place: , Zoom

PhD candidate Giovanni Romagnoni at the Department of Biosciences will be defending the thesis "The multiple dimensions of spatial ecology in  fisheries management - How climate, economy, and connectivity shape Cod (Gadus morhua) dynamics in a changing North Sea" for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Time and place: , Eksamen gjennomføres digital i zoom

High-throughput single-cell characterization of the genomic and serum antibody repertoire

Time and place: , Eksamen gjennomføres digital i zoom

Investigating the biological role of DFCP1 in autophagy with the CRISPR/Cas9 system


The aim of this workshop is to present some recent developments on the interplay between Dirichlet series and operator theory to researchers in Norway and abroad.

Time and place: , Eksamen gjennomføres digital i zoom

Use of supplemental feeding sites by roe deer in a disease transmission context

Time and place: , Join Zoom Meeting

Intergrating computing in the diciplines change both the subject and the way we teach. How do we meet these changes?

Time and place: , Eksamen gjennomføres digital i zoom

Predicted time and areas of interaction risk between harbour seals and coastal gill net fisheries in Norway

Time and place: , via Zoom Webinar

High-level data analysis in the COMAP intensity mapping experiment

Time and place: , online

Generate a data management plan for a Life Science research project that will meet the requirements of the Research Council of Norway

Time and place: , Eksamen gjennomføres digital i zoom

Therapeutic bispecific T-cell engagers (BiTEs) and bispecific killer cell engagers (BiKEs) targeting cells presenting gliadin peptides

Time and place: , via Zoom Webinar

Data Analysis and Systematic Error Mitigation in the COMAP Experiment

Time and place: , Eksamen gjennomføres digital i zoom

Characterization of Transcriptional Heterogeneity in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor

Time and place: , Digital event (Zoom)

By Simen Sandve from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)