Previous events - Page 235

Time and place: , Rom 304 (Peisestua), Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk

Uni Fuskeland, PhD student, ITA

Time and place: , Room 3513

The journal club is back and this Friday 5th of February we will start with a paper from 2015 on Tempo and Mode in phylogenetic comparative methods (Kaliontzopoulou and Adams). Same time and place!

Time and place: , B738, NH Abels hus

Andrea Hofmann (HBV) gives the Seminar in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry:

Minimal resolutions for projective models of K3 surfaces in rational normal scrolls

Literature used in the seminar are selected chapters in the book «K3 Projective Models in Scrolls» by Trygve Johnsen and Andreas Leopold Knutsen.

Time and place: , Lunch area, MetOs

Upcoming seminar in meteorology and oceanography:

Speaker: Terje K. Berntsen (Department of Geosciences)

Title: Low-threshold introduction to ski waxing - with some snow physics

Time and place: , Ø467

Ivica Picek, university of Zagreb

Besides being a first indication for the second scalar particle, a recent hint for the 750 GeV resonance at the LHC  requires additional particles such as those employed in models of radiative neutrino mass generation. The scalar triplet realizations seem to be preferable with respect to the 2HDM benchmark and provide in the inert variant the dark matter candidates.

(The slides are now available)

Time and place: , NHA B638

Abstract: As has been observed by many authors, the Drinfeld double of the q-deformation of a compact Lie group can be regarded as a quantization of the complexification of the original Lie group. Using this point of view, I will discuss irreducible unitary representations of these Drinfeld doubles.

Time and place: , Niels Henrik Abels hus, room 801

Kostiantyn Ralchenko (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv) gives a talk with the title: A generalisation of the fractional Brownian field based on non-Euclidean norms

Time and place: , Niels Henrik Abels hus, room 801

Yuliya Mishura (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv) gives a lecture with the title: What can happen between two self-similarities?

Time and place: , Room 3508

Friday seminar by Benjamin Weigel

Time and place: , Rom 4512, Kristine Bonnevies hus

”Diversity of parasitic micro-eukaryotes in the urine of Gadus morhua L

Time and place: , aud. 1, Geology building, Sem Sælands vei 1

Welcome to the GeoHyd Lunch Seminar on Friday January 29th @ 12:15 in aud. 1 in the Geology building.

Time and place: , B738, NH Abels hus

Geir Ellingsrud (UiO), gives the Seminar in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry:

Projective models of K3-surfaces II

Time and place: , Lunch area, MetOs

Upcoming seminar in meteorology and oceanography:

Speaker: Zhongshi Zhang, Uni Research Klima

Title: Paleoclimate: ESM used in understanding geological questions


The seminar takes place in the seminar room on the 9th floor of the computer science building.

Time and place: , NHA B735


Abstract: We discuss a way of constructing noncommutative projective manifolds as inductive and projective limits, generalizing the so-called Berezin quantization for ordinary compact Kähler manifolds. We first review the physical motivation for Berezin quantization and then discuss how the restriction to commutative manifolds limits the use of this quantization. We will also outline how our more general construction appears naturally in the study of the long-time limit of open quantum systems.

Time and place: , Ø467

Andrzej Hryczuk, FI

The thermal relic abundance of the dark matter is now determined observationally to a per cent level accuracy. It is also an increasingly useful tool to exclude, constrain or motivate models beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. It comes then with no surprise that in the recent years a considerable effort has been made to revise and improve some of the aspects of thermal relic density calculations. In this talk I will concentrate on the important physics concepts used in such calculations, highlighting some less commonly discussed details. Towards the end I will show some recent results, serving as examples of the relevance of the effects studied.

(The slides are now available)


Ingrid Hobæk Haff (UiO, Dept. of mathematics) will give a seminar in the lunch area, 8th floor N.H. Abel's House at 14:15.

Time and place: , Lunch area, MetOs

Upcoming short presentation from MSc/PhD students in meteorology and oceanography:

Speaker: Alina Fiehn, GEOMAR/UiO

Title: Transport of bromoform from the Indian Ocean to the stratosphere trough the Asian monsoon circulation

Time and place: , Rom 304 (Peisestua), Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk

Anna Lipniacka, Professor, Institutt for Fysikk og Teknologi, Universitetet i Bergen

Time and place: , NHA Room 1036

Hyperbolic-Elliptic models for two-phase flow in porous media

Time and place: , Møterom II, Tøyen Hovedgård

”Vegetation-environment relationships of a kettle-hole floodplain at Øvre Romerike, SE Norway”

Time and place: , B738, NH Abels hus

Geir Ellingsrud, UiO, gives the Seminar in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry:

Projective models of K3-surfaces (after Saint-Donat) 

Time and place: , aud. 1, Geology building, Sem Sælands vei 1

Welcome to the GeoHyd Lunch Seminar on Thursday January 21st @ 12:15 in aud. 1 in the Geology building.

Time and place: , The Aquarium

This week we’ll discuss a paper by vonHoldt and collaborators in Genome Research from 2011 and a short, but interesting follow up by Rutledge, published in 2015 in Biology Letters.

Time and place: , B735

Bas Jordans will continue his talk from last week.