Previous events - Page 236

Time and place: , Glasshallen 2, Forskningsparken

Upcoming seminar in meteorology and oceanography:

Speaker: David Ferreira, Univ. of Reading

Title: Two-timescale response of the Antarctic Ocean and sea ice to ozone depletion

Time and place: , Ø467

Chad Finley, Oskar Klein Centre (Stockholm)

The IceCube Neutrino Observatory lies two kilometers deep within the ice at the South Pole, Antarctica.  With one cubic kilometer of instrumented volume, IceCube enables the study of a wide range of phenomena: neutrino astronomy, dark matter searches, neutrino oscillations, and cosmic ray physics.  Recently IceCube has announced the long-awaited discovery of high energy neutrinos from deep space.  These neutrino energies are approximately 100 million times greater than the energies of neutrinos previously observed from the sun and supernovae. I will review IceCube's latest results with particular attention to this new flux. I will also discuss what we hope to measure in the near future with IceCube and the next generation of neutrino telescopes.

(The Slides are now available)

Time and place: , Undervisninsgrom 1036

Potential  flow with free boundaries using the level set method. A review of some electro-hydrodynamic applications 

Time and place: , NB: Seminar room 3315

Friday seminar by John M. Fryxell, University of Guelph, Canada

Time and place: , Rom 304 (Peisestua), Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk

Karen Johansen, Senior Adviser, Office for International Relations and Research Support


Oddbjorn Engvold, Professor emeritus, ITA

Time and place: , B738, NH Abels hus

John Christian Ottem, UiO, gives the Seminar in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry:

Introduksjon til K3-flater (etter Saint-Donat)

Time and place: , B735

Bas Jordans will give a talk with title " Random walks on discrete quantum groups: convergence to the boundary"


For classical random walks there exist two boundaries: the Poisson boundary and the Martin boundary. The relation between these two boundaries is described by the so-called "convergence to the boundary". For random walks on discrete quantum groups both the Poisson boundary and Martin boundary are defined and a non-commutative analogue of convergence to the boundary can be formulated. However, no proof is known for a such a theorem. In the first part of the talk we will discuss the classical and quantum version of convergence to the boundary, explain how these are related and give an overview of what is known in general for the quantum case. In the second part we will discuss the boundary convergence for SUq(2) and for monoidally equivalent quantum groups.


Time and place: , aud. 1, Geology building, Sem Sælands vei 1

Welcome to the GeoHyd Lunch Seminar on Monday 11 January @ 12:15 in aud. 1 in the Geology building.

Time and place: , Gamle Festsal and Frokostkjelleren

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences invites PhD candidates who started in the autumn semester 2015 to a day of motivation and inspiration on the 8th of January 2016.


Late Lunch Talk by Claire Geslin from Université de Bretagne, France 


Time and place: , Seminarrom 2621, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Muscle fiber hyperplasia and its relation to muscle growth

Time and place: , Seminar room 3508

Friday seminar by Indrė Žliobaitė

Time and place: , Rom 4424, Kristine Bonnevies hus

 ”Predator-prey dynamics in a rotifer-algal microcosm and the emergence of defensive traits in the prey”  

Time and place: , Rom 4512, Kristine Bonnevies hus

”Next generation sequencing on soil samples from Etosha National Park: Diversity studies of an anthrax reservoir”

Time and place: , Rom 209 (auditoriet), Svein Rosselands hus

Multi-wavelength observations of magnetic bright points in the lower solar atmosphere

Time and place: , Seminarrom 4613, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Development of a novel mosaic influenza antigen

Time and place: , Seminarrom 4619, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Phenotypical and functional characterization of CD1c+ dendritic cells and monocytes  

Time and place: , B738, NH Abels hus

Jørgen Vold Rennemo (Oxford), gives the Seminar in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry:


Time and place: , Seminarrom 4619, Kristibe Bonnevies hus

Fluorescence in situ hybridization assay for kiss1 in medaka (Oryzias latipes)

Time and place: , Seminarrom 4613, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Fluorescent Biomarkers for Membrane Separation

Time and place: , Seminarrom 2621, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Mapping of hypothalamic defensive survival circuits using optogenetics and designer receptors

Time and place: , Rom 4512, Kristine Bonnevies hus

"Acute drug effect, addiction potential and expression of brain proteins involved in learning and memory after single and repeated exposure to methadone and buprenorphine in C57BL/6J mice"


Time and place: , Seminarrom 4613, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Characterization of CD276 (B7-H3) in Human Metastatic Melanoma Functions and Interaction Partners

Time and place: , Seminarrom 4619, Kristine Bonnevies hus

O-linket protein glykosylering:  en studie av genotype, fenotype og glykan diversitet i afrikanske meningokokkstammer   

Time and place: , Rom 4512, Kristine Bonnevies hus

"Effekter av miljøgifter på torsk (Gadus morhua) fra indre Oslofjord"