Previous events - Page 243

Time and place: , B738, NH Abels hus

Felipe Rincon, UiO, gives the Seminar in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry

Tropical Ideals

Time and place: , Lunch area, MetOs

Upcoming short presentation from MSc/PhD students in meteorology and oceanography:

Speaker: Kristoffer Aalstad

Title: Master thesis ("Applying the Eddy Covariance Method under difficult conditions")  and future work

Supervisor: Terje Berntsen

Time and place: , Gydas vei 8

Guest Lecture with Sonia Hernandez-Diaz from Harvard School of Public Health on the topic of "Application of causal inference approaches to define confounding and selection biases in medication safety in pregnancy studies"

Time and place: , The aquarium, room 3302

This week we will discuss a paper by Rolshausen et al. (2015, Evolution) on the the effects of gene flow on selection.

Time and place: , Ø467

Ipsita Mandal, Perimeter institute

We devise a renormalization group analysis for quantum field theories with Fermi surface to study scaling behaviour of non-Fermi liquid states in a controlled approximation. The non-Fermi liquid fixed points are identified from a Fermi surface in (m+1) spatial dimensions, while the co-dimension of Fermi surface is also extended to a generic value. We also study superconducting instability in such systems as a function of dimension and co-dimension of the Fermi surface. The key point in this whole analysis is that unlike in relativistic QFT, the Fermi momentum kF enters as a dimensionful parameter, thus modifying the naive scaling arguments. The effective coupling constants are found to be combinations of the original coupling constants and kF.

The slides are now available.

Time and place: , CEES seminar room (3313/3315)

Late Lunch Talk by Anna Runemark and Michael Matschiner

Time and place: , Radisson Blu Lillehammer hotel, Lillehammer, Norway

The 3rd Conference on Modelling Hydrology, Climate and Land Surface Processes is to be arranged in Lillehammer, Norway in September 7 - 9. The target group is researchers and others with interest in the topics for the conference.

Time and place: , Rom 304 (Peisestua), Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk

Max Gronke, PhD student, ITA

Time and place: , Room 3513

This Friday the 4th we will be discussing: "Fitness of multidimensional phenotypes in dynamic adaptive landscapes", on how dynamic adaptive landscapes link phenotypes to fitness across environments.

Time and place: , Niels Henrik Abels hus, room 935

Paul Krühner (TU Wien) holds a lecture with the title: Affine processes with compact state space and counter-examples for polynomial processes.

Time and place: , Seminar room 3513 (opposite side of the coffee room)
Time and place: , Seminar room 3213

A short introduction will be given by Solveig Kristensen, Professor and Vice Dean at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. 

Time and place: , Lunch area, MetOs

Upcoming short presentation from MSc/PhD students in meteorology and oceanography:

Speaker: Eivind Grøtting Wærsted

Title: Master thesis ("Timescales of surface-to-stratosphere transport in the tropics, using FLEXPART")  and future work

Supervisor: Kirstin Krüger and Frode Stordal

Time and place: , NHA 738

Nicolai Stammeier (Münster) will give a talk with title "Aiming for accuracy - boundary quotients of right LCM semigroups revisited "

Abstract: I will recall the notions of foundation sets and the boundary quotient for right LCM semigroups. This C*-algebra is obtained by modding out products of defect projections over foundation sets in the full semigroup C*-algebra of the right LCM semigroup. Observing that this is in stark contrast to the standard presentations of C*-algebras in the spirit of Cuntz algebras, where a summation relation gets used, we will discuss the possibility of replacing the product relation by a summation relation and arrive at the accurate refinement property. This feature turns out to be quite common among right LCM semigroups. In fact, we are yet to see an example of a right LCM semigroup that has an insufficient supply of accurate foundation sets. Time permitting, we will leave the realm of right LCM semigroups for the sake of finding semigroups without the accurate refinement property.

Time and place: , KBH4619

Karen Kidd, Canadian Rivers Institute & Biology Department, University of New Brunswick, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada



Time and place: , Ø467

Tomás Gonzalo, University College London

Grand Unified Theories are a very well motivated extension of the Standard Model, but the landscape of models and possibilities is overwhelming, and different patterns present rather distinct and unique phenomenology. We present in this work a way to automatise the model building process, by considering a top-bottom approach that constructs viable and sensible theories from a small and controllable set of inputs at the high scale. By providing a GUT scale symmetry group and the field content, all the possible symmetry breaking paths are generated and checked for consistency, ensuring anomaly cancellation and Standard Model embedding. We emphasise the usefulness of this process for various models such as a Supersymmetric SO(10) model, a non-SUSY left-right symmetry model or a theory of GUT inflation. 

(Slides are now available).

Time and place: , Aud. 1, Georg Sverdrups hus, Blindern, Oslo

Georgina Mace: "How should we value nature in a human-dominated world?". James Wilsdon: "The science and art of scientific advice"

Time and place: , Room B81

Valeria Vitelli (Dept. of Biostatistics, UiO) will give a seminar in room 801 (B81), 8th floor N.H. Abels House at 14:15  September 1st: Probabilistic preference learning with the Mallows rank model

Time and place: , Seminarrom 4613, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Role of the Ikaros target gene Ctnnd1 in B cell development and Ikaros-mediated tumor suppression

Time and place: , Rom 209 (auditoriet), Svein Rosselands hus

Towards a More Realistic Treatment of Polarization in Lyman Alpha Radiative Transfer

Time and place: , Seminarrom 4613, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Possible mechanisms for Ikaros tumour suppressor function in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.

Time and place: , Lysebu

Integrating Ecology and Evolution: From ecology to micro- and macroevolution. Registration necessary.

Time and place: , Auditoriet på STAMI, Gydas vei 8

Master i farmasi Yuan Zeng Feng ved Farmasøytisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d: Regulation of energy metabolism in skeletal muscle cells by PPARδ activation, in vitro exercise and perilipin 2 ablation.