Previous events - Page 262

Time and place: , Room 3508

Friday seminar by Arnar Pálsson from University of Iceland

Time and place: , Seminarrom 2203, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Pharmacological activation of serotonergic activity in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): A model of chronic stress

Time and place: , Rom 3515
Time and place: , Rom 304 (Peisestua), Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk

 David Parkinson, Australian Research Council Future Fellow, The University of Queensland.

Time and place: , Rom 4512, Kristine Bonnevies hus

"Immunfunksjon og biotransformasjon hos piggvar (Scophthalmus maximus) eksponert for den vannløselige fraksjonen av Ekofisk råolje"

Time and place: , B 63

The logic seminar will take place in B63 in NHA on Thursdays from 10.15 to 12.00.

The program is tentative. There are free slots in the program. Contact Dag Normann for suggestions or questions.

Time and place: , Auditoriet på STAMI, Gydas vei 8

M.Sc. Yuan-Feng Zou ved Farmasøytisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d: Biological and chemical studies of medicinal plants. A: Chemistry and biological activities of medicinal plants from Mali. B: Complement fixing polysaccharides from Chinese medicinal plant Codonopsis pilosula.

Time and place: , Auditoriet på STAMI, Gydas vei 8

Cand. pharm Wai Lam Yip ved Farmasøytisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d: Chemometrics throughout the life-cycle of pharmaceutical products - A contribution to quality improvement.

Time and place: , Rom 304 (Peisestua), Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk

Eirik Endeve, Oak Ridge National Laboratoratory, Tennessee, USA

Time and place: , Room 3515

We restart journal club this week with Bookstein's 2012 Paleobiology paper on Random walk as a null model for high-dimensional morphometrics of fossil series: geometrical considerations.

Time and place: , Rom 4512, Kristine Bonnevies hus

”The Effect of Hybridization on Beak Morphology in the House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) and Italian Sparrow (P. italiae)”

Time and place: , B91 Abel Building

Three-dimensional instability of solitary water waves



The 3nd International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics (ICNFP2014) will be held 28.07-06.08.2014 in OAC, Kolymbari, Crete.

Time and place: , Seminarrom 2621, Kristine Bonnevies hus

A physiological strenght exercise model for rats

Time and place: , Room 3315, Kristine Bonnevie building

CEES extra seminar by Dr. Monica Hagedorn

Bernhard-Nocht-Institute for Tropical Medicine Hamburg Germany

Time and place: , Auditorium 3, Helga Eng

Master i farmasi Lars Erik Eng Eibak ved Farmasøytisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d: Development of Electromembrane Extraction Configurations and Applications.

Time and place: , Auditoriet Zoologisk museum


Time and place: , Room 3508

Friday seminar by Moritz Muschick from University of Sheffield

Time and place: , Seminarrom 2203, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Proteoglycan characterization in COG7-deficient cells

Time and place: , Rom 209 (auditoriet), Svein Rosselands hus

N-body simulations with massive neutrinos

Time and place: , Seminarrom 2203, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Effects of subunit 8 deficiency of the conserved oligomeric Golgi complex on proteoglycan synthesis.


Time and place: , Room 3508, Kristine Bonnevie Building

CEES Extra seminar by Jason Miller from J. Craig Venter Institute

Time and place: , Auditorium 1, the Geology building

Reza Khabbaz Ghazian at the Department of Geosciences will be defending his dissertation: Numerical modelling of continental collision with an application to the Zagros fold-and-thrust belt

Time and place: , Rom 4512, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Spatiotemporal distribution of a small mammal assemblage at Finse: A methodological perspective

Time and place: , Seminarrom 2203, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Human Neil DNA glycosylases - crystal screening, biochemical characterization and inhibitor screening