MN Faculty information meeting for new exchange students

We wish to welcome all new exchange students with the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science to our information Meeting and the start of the Buddy programme.


MN International Office will give information about the registration process and what contact points to use.

The buddy system starts Monday 8 January 2018. You will be placed in a buddy group with other new exchange students. The buddies are both Norwegian and international students at our Faculty. The buddy program student coordinator is Hanne Notø (with help from Odd-Tørres Lunde).

The buddy groups will follow the program of events by the University as well as the activities each group decide that they want to do, the general programme can be found on the Events pages.



MN International Office
Tags: MN exchange
Published Aug. 8, 2017 3:35 PM - Last modified Oct. 26, 2021 10:03 AM