Welcome day for new PhD candidates

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences invites PhD candidates who started in 2017 and in 2018 to a day of motivation and inspiration on the 13th of January 2018.

Gamle festsal. Foto: UiO/Anders Lien

  • Be acquainted with your Faculty and University
  • Get inside information about PhD life from supervisor and candidate
  • Visit the finest halls of the University of Oslo
  • Open your mind for cross-cultural interaction
  • Meet and engage with your PhD fellows and broaden your social and scientific network


12:00 Opening

by Finn-Eirik Johansen, Vice Dean Research

Science for Society

by Kristin Vinje, Vice Dean Innovation and Public Relations

Expectations and reality of PhD supervision - experiences from candidate and supervisor

by Marianne Fyhn (Associate Professor) and Kristian Kinden Lensjø (Postdoctoral Fellow), Department of Biosciences

13:30 Guided tour of the Gamle Festsal and Aula

The tour starts at the Gamle Festsal

14:30 Coffee break

at the Frokostkjelleren (address: Karl Johans gate 47)

15:00 Cross-cultural communication

by Pellegrino Riccardi, edutainer and communication expert

17:00 Social get-together

Food and quiz at the Frokostkjelleren (sign up by 5th of January 2018)

Deadline for signing up: January 5th 2018

Please be aware that photographs will be taken at the event for free use by the University of Oslo, both in printed material and on the Internet, in connection with the university's informational activities. In the case of portraits, you will be contacted and asked for a declaration of consent.

Published Dec. 13, 2017 2:24 PM - Last modified Oct. 25, 2019 2:28 PM