UiO prize winners from the Faculty

Every year the University Board awards four prizes to UiO employees whose work deserves rewarding and are of great inspiration to the University.

The UiO Excellent Science Communication Prize

  • Department of Chemistry, Head of the Department Svein Stølen (2011)
  • Professor Dag O. Hessen, Department of Biosciences (2008)
  • Associate Professor Michael Baziljevich, Department of Physics (2003)
  • Professor Leif Ryvarden, Section of Botanic and Plant Physiology, Department of Biosciences (2002)
  • Professor Thormod Henriksen, Department of Physics (1998)
  • Professor Alv Egeland, Department of Physics (1997)

The UiO Research Prize

  • Professor Trond H. Torsvik, Department of Geosciences (2016)
  • Professor Bernt Øksendal, Department of Mathematics (2014)
  • Professor Mats Carlsson, Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics (2012)
  • Professor Johan Moan, Department of Physics (2010)
  • Professor Tore Slagsvold, Department of Biosciences (2008)
  • Professor Trygve Helgaker, Department of Chemistry (2006)
  • Professor Nils Christian Stenseth, Department of Chemistry (1996)

The UiO Innovation Prize

  • Professor Nils Damm Christophersen, Department of Informatics (2016)
  • Professors Jørn Braa, Kristin Braa and Sundeep Sahay, Department of Informatics (2013)
  • Professor Truls Norby, Department of Chemistry (2012)
  • Professor Inger Sandlie, Department of Biosciences (2011)

The UiO Education Award

  • Professor Tone Bratteteig, Department of Informatics (2016)
  • The study programme Computational physics, Department of Physics (2015)
  • Senior Lecturer Cathrine Wahlstrøm Tellefsen, Department of Physics (2012)
  • Project Computing in Science Educations (2011)
  • The Mikroelektronikk systemer (MES) Group, Department of Informatics (2005)
  • Department of Physics with particular mention of the courses FYS 112 and FYS 113 given by Arnt Inge Vistnes and Morten Hjorth-Jensen (2000)
  • Department of Biosciences for the course BIO 101 - introduction to Biology (1998)
  • Department of Pharmacology, School of Pharmacy (1995)
  • Introduction courses in Mathematics, MA 001 and MA 100 (1994)
  • Department of Physics for the research programme "Kooperative fenomener" (1991)


Published Oct. 14, 2016 9:37 AM - Last modified Nov. 30, 2016 1:31 PM