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People - Page 71

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Persons 1,751 - 1,763 of 1,763
Name Phone E-mail Tags
Picture of Sigbjørn Økland Økland, Sigbjørn Doctoral Research Fellow
Picture of Bernt Karsten Øksendal Øksendal, Bernt Karsten Mathematics, Stochastic analysis and finance and insurance and risk, Global South
Picture of Ole Andreas Løchen Økstad Økstad, Ole Andreas Løchen Professor +47 22854789 +47 92603952 Microbiology, Life science, Bioinformatics, Molecular biology, Evolution, Biotechnology, Biology, Genomes, DNA sequencing, Biofilm, Food poisoning
Picture of Peter Csaba Ølveczky Ølveczky, Peter Csaba Professor +47 22852498
Picture of Magnus Christie Ørke Ørke, Magnus Christie Doctoral Research Fellow
Picture of Joar Martin Østby Østby, Joar Martin Associate Professor
Picture of Kjartan Østbye Østbye, Kjartan Conservation genetics, Divergence: neutral and adaptive, Ecological genomics, Evolutionary Ecology, Foraging ecology, Historic DNA, Local adaptation, Parallel evolution, Phenotypic integration, Reproductive isolation, Adaptation, Ancient DNA, Ecology, Evolutionary biology, Fish, Hybridization, Microsatellite, Mitochondrial DNA, Molecular ecology, Molecular evolution, Phylogenetics, Population genetics
Picture of Anne Lene Østli Østli, Anne Lene Senior Executive Officer +47 22840920
Picture of Paul Arne Østvær Østvær, Paul Arne Professor II +47 22855912 Mathematics, Geometry and topology
Picture of Egil Øvrelid Øvrelid, Egil Associate Professor +4790080353
Picture of Lilja Øvrelid Øvrelid, Lilja Professor +47 22840850 language technology, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Computational Linguistics
Picture of Julie Øybø Øybø, Julie Section Manager +47 22858602 +47 90562109
Picture of Eilif Sommer Øyre Øyre, Eilif Sommer Doctoral Research Fellow Computational Astrophysics, Simulations, high performance computing, Accelerated particles