Persons tagged with «Robotics»

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Picture of Adel Baselizadeh Baselizadeh, Adel Researcher Reinforcement Learning, Control systems, Robotics, Fuzzy Systems and Intelligent Control
Picture of Ole Jakob Elle Elle, Ole Jakob Professor II Artificial intelligence, Evolution, Robotics, Reconfigurable hardware, Adaptable systems
Picture of Kyrre Glette Glette, Kyrre Professor +47 22841695 Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Evolutionary Computing, Evolvable Hardware, Biologically-inspired Computing, Embedded Systems, Machine Learning
Kvalsund, Mia-Katrin Ose Doctoral Research Fellow Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, Neuroscience, Evolutionary Computing, Biologically-inspired Computing, Robotics
Picture of Kim Mathiassen Mathiassen, Kim Associate Professor Robotics, autonomous cars, Control systems, Unmanned Ground Vehicles, Mobile robots, Medical robotics
Picture of Li Meng Meng, Li Doctoral Research Fellow Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Deep learning, Reinforcement learning, Computer vision, Robotics
Picture of Farzan Majeed Noori Noori, Farzan Majeed Postdoctoral Fellow +47-91255115 Sensing, computer vision, Robotics, mental health, sleep apnea
Picture of Roar Skogstrøm Skogstrøm, Roar Lecturer Artificial intelligence, Reconfigurable hardware, Robotics, Evolution, Adaptable systems
Picture of Jim Tørresen Tørresen, Jim Professor +47 22852454 +47 92846669 Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Adaptable Systems, Reconfigurable hardware, Biology-inspired Computing, Evolutionary Computing, Evolvable Hardware
Picture of Marieke van Otterdijk van Otterdijk, Marieke Doctoral Research Fellow HRI, Robotics, Intuition, User Studies, Perception, Pupillometry, Nonverbal communication
Picture of Narada Dilp Warakagoda Warakagoda, Narada Dilp Associate Professor Artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, computer vision, Robotics, Machine Learning, deep learning