Stenseth's publications on how climate variation affect ecological and evolutionary patterns and processes include

  • Rawshan Ara Begum, Robert Lempert, Ali Elham, Tor A. Benjaminsen, Thomas Bernauer, Wolfgang Cramer, Xuefeng Cui, Katharine Mach, Gustavo Nagy, Nils Chr. Stenseth, Raman Sukumar, Philippus Wester (2022). Point of departure and key conceptsThe IPCC Working Group II contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report, Cambridge University Press.
  • Nils Chr. Stenseth, Rolf A. Ims, Bernt-Erik Sæther, Luis Cadahia, Ivar Herfindal, Aline Magdalena Lee, Jason D. Whittington, Nigel G Yoccoz (2022) Sustainable management of populations impacted by harvesting and climate changeClimate Research 86.
  • Xinru Wan, Marcel Holyoak, Chuan Yan, Yvon Le Maho, Rodolfo Dirzo, Charles J. Krebs, Nils Chr. Stenseth, Zhibin Zhang (2022). Broad‐scale climate variation drives the dynamics of animal populations: A global multi‐taxa analysisBiological Reviews 97 (6).
  • Stenseth NC, Payne MR, Bonsdorff E, Dankel DJ, Durant JM, Anderson ØG, Armstrong CW, Blenckner T, Brakstad AD, Dupont S, Eikeset AM, Goksøyr A, Jónsson S, Kuparinen A, Våge K, Österblom H, Paasche Ø. 2020 Attuning to a changing ocean. National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
  • Cui, Y., Schmid, B. V., Cao, H., Dai, X., Du, Z., Easterday, W. R., Fang H, Guo C, Huang S, Liu W, Qi Z, Song Y, Tian H, Wang M, Wu Y, Xu B, Yang C, Yang J, Yang X, Zhang Q, Jakobsen Ks, Zhang Y, Stenseth NC, Yang, R. (2020). Evolutionary selection of biofilm-mediated extended phenotypes in Yersinia pestis in response to a fluctuating environment. Nature Communications, 11(1). doi:10.1038/s41467-019-14099-w
  • Li R, Xu L, Bjornstad ON, Liu K, Song T, Chen A, Xu B, Liu Q, Stenseth NC 2019 Climate-driven variation in mosquito density predicts the spatiotemporal dynamics of dengue. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116(9), 3624-3629
  • Knudsen E, Linden A, Both C, Jonzen N, Pulido F, Saino N, Sutherland WJ, Bach LA, Coppack T, Ergon T, Gienapp P, Gill JA, Gordo O, Hedenstroom A, Lehikoinen E, Marra PP, Moller AP, Nilsson ALK, Peron G, Ranta E, Rubolini D, Sparks TH, Spina F, Studds CE, Saether SA, Tryjanowski P, Stenseth NC (2011) Challenging claims in the study of migratory birds and climate change. Biol Rev 86:928-946
  • Kausrud KL, Begon M, Ari TB, Viljugrein H, Esper J, Büntgen U, Leirs H, Junge C, Yang B, Yang M, Xu L, Stenseth NC. Modeling the epidemiological history of plague in Central Aia: palaeoclimatic forcing on a disease system over the past millennium. BMC Biol. 2010 Aug 27;8:112
  • Ben Ari T, Gershunov A, Gage KL, Snäll T, Ettestad P, Kausrud KL, Stenseth NC. Human plague in the USA: the importance of regional and local climate. Biol Lett. 2008 Dec 23;4(6):737-40
  • Kausrud KL, Mysterud A, Steen H, Vik O, Ostbye E, Cazelles B, Framstad E, Eikeset AM, Mysterud I, Solhoy T, Stenseth NC. Linking climate change to lemming cycles. Nature 2008; 456:93- U93
  • Stenseth NC, Samia NI, Viljugrein H, Kausrud KL, Begon M, Davis S, Leirs H, Dubyanskiy VM, Esper J, Ageyev VS, Klassovskiy NL, Pole SB, Chan KS. Plague dynamics are driven by climate variation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2006;103(35):13110-5
  • Stenseth NC, Ottersen G, Hurrell JW, Belgrano A. 2004 Marine ecosystems and climate variation. Oxford University Press.
  • Stenseth NC, Ottersen G, Hurrell JW, Mysterud A, Lima M, Chan KS, Yoccoz NG, Adlandsvik B: Studying climate effects on ecology through the use of climate indices: the North Atlantic Oscillation, El Nino Southern Oscillation and beyond. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 2003, 270(1529):2087-2096
  • Stenseth NC, Mysterud A, Ottersen G, Hurrell JW, Chan KS, Lima M: Ecological effects of climate fluctuations. Science 2002, 297(5585):1292-1296
  • Mysterud A, Stenseth NC, Yoccoz NG, Langvatn R, Steinheim G: Nonlinear effects of large-scale climatic variability on wild and domestic herbivores. Nature 2001, 410(6832):1096-1099
  • Flagstad O, Syvertsen PO, Stenseth NC, Jakobsen KS: Environmental change and rates of evolution: the phylogeographic pattern within the hartebeest complex as related to climatic variation. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 2001, 268(1468):667-677
  • Stenseth NC, Chan KS, Tong H, Boonstra R, Boutin S, Krebs CJ, Post E, O'Donoghue M, Yoccoz NG, Forchhammer MC, Hurrell JW: Common dynamic structure of Canada lynx populations within three climatic regions. Science 1999, 285(5430):1071-1073
Published July 11, 2023 6:44 PM - Last modified July 12, 2023 5:26 PM