Events - Page 2

Time and place: , Oslo (Kristine Bonnevies Hus)

For mapping and exploring communities of both micro- and macro-organisms, high throughput sequencing (HTS) of environmental DNA has become a powerful approach. This can be done either through DNA-metabarcoding, focusing on a single marker, or DNA-metagenomics/metatranscriptomics, dealing with sequencing of all DNA/RNA in the samples.

Time and place: , Valberg Slektsgård

This course aims to prepare researchers to be supervisors either at an early supervisor stage or before entering the role and is tailored for young researchers in biotechnology and life sciences.

Time and place: , Online

This is a one-day workshop which addresses writing in the 1st year of the doctorate. We have hired an experienced academic writing trainer, who will advice you on how to get started with your writing.

Time and place: , Zoom

Biotechnology innovations seem to emerge at lightning speed. At the same time, countless grand societal challenges demand resources and cultural shifts. What does 21st century innovation look like in the context of ongoing crises such as climate change, as well as short-term shocks like covid, macroeconomic constriction, and war in Europe? In such times, big companies shrink their ambitions; what about emerging ventures?

Join the Centre for Digital Life Norway and The Life Science Cluster for a webinar and expert panel discussion on “Innovation in the Age of Disruption. 

Time and place: , ZOOM

Knowledge gaps, competing theories, and shifting information make science communication a challenge. Who controls the flow of information – and misinformation? This event will explore the complex process of communicating science in times of uncertainty, including how to navigate the nuances of scientific uncertainty and methodological limitations, communicate effectively, and build trust with the public. Our speakers and panelists will present both historical and contemporary examples, and share their views of the role of science communication now and in the future. 

Time and place: , Tøyen Hovedgård, Natural History Museum

Welcome to the Norwegian Biodiversity & Genomics Conference 2023. The conference is hosted by EBP-NorERGAG-BiKE and InvertOmics, and will take place from the 8th to 10th of February.

Registration and abstract submission is now open! Preliminary schedule and workshop information is below.

Time and place: , NTNU, Trondheim

This course will provide you with an understanding of the physiology of the microbial cell and how it can be manipulated. In the first part, the focus will be on molecular biology and physiology, emphasizing topics that are important for synthetic biology. The second part focuses on the approaches and tools directly utilized in synthetic biology and are organized in the order of a typical workflow of a strain design project (Design, Build, Test, Learn).

Time and place: , Online

This course is a general introduction to the regulatory environment students will meet in various types of jobs, both in industry and in public institutions in the life science area. For students applying for such jobs, it is crucial to understand the terminology and be familiar with terms and standards in order to appear relevant.

Time and place: , Zoom

Be ready to receive funding! Why is Open Data and Data Management important for my application?

Time and place: , Zoom

Biotechnology has the potential to contribute significantly to a more sustainable future by providing solutions in various fields including energy, agriculture, and material development. Examples include the use of biofuels and hydrogen gas as alternative energy sources, genetically modified crops for sustainable agriculture, and biodegradable plastics as sustainable materials. By utilizing living systems, biotechnology can develop environmentally-friendly and sustainable technologies for a better future.

Time and place: , UiO

The NorMIC series of workshops aims to teach biological researchers (PhD students, engineers, postdocs and young PIs) the principles of biological microscopes and image processing.

Time and place: , Zoom

Artificial intelligence (AI) has a tremendous potential in healthcare and there are many ways AI can be used to treat patients more efficiently and accurately. Nevertheless, there are possible ethical issues and pitfalls that must be considered.

Time and place: , online


It is our great pleasure to end Open Access Week 2022 with a session dedicated to research data and its FAIRly new superheroes: the data stewards and their role as experts in data handling throughout all phases of the data life cycle.

Time and place: , Scandic Lerkendal, Trondheim

Join us for the annual conference for the Centre for Digital Life Norway – Digital Life Conference 2022 - in Trondheim 20-21. October 2022!

Read more and register here

Time and place: , Digital Life conference, Trondheim

What are citizen needs, concerns and wishes for the digitalization of brain science? What would they like researchers to know about working with citizen data? What ethical and social needs should brain researchers keep in mind when developing neurotechnologies? Lise Bitsch presented her work leading public engagement initiatives in the Human Brain Project to engage diverse stakeholders to identify priorities, concerns, and potential benefits of emerging digital technologies. These are relevant both for scientific projects and for governance of AI in society.  

Time and place: , Trondheim folkebibliotek (Kulturtorget)

Les oppsummering av arrangementet her og se opptak av alle innleggene

Forskningen må være åpen, tilgjengelig og ansvarlig. Populærvitenskapelig formidling er et viktig bidrag for å involvere folket i forskningen.

Kom og hør om grensesprengende forskning fra Digitalt liv Norge. Denne kvelden gir vi ordet til yngre forskere som bruker bioteknologi til å finne løsninger på vår tids store samfunnsutfordringer.

Time and place: , online

The next FAIRDOM user meeting is scheduled for 17th of October, 2022 at 14:00 CEST.

Time and place: , Selbusjøen hotel & NTNU Trondheim
Time and place: , Zoom

The World Health Organization (WHO) states that antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to global health, food security, and development today. A growing number of infections are becoming harder to treat as the antibiotics used to treat them become less effective. In addition to reducing the overuse of antibiotics, we need to discover and bring new antibiotics to market. This is a formidable challenge, but perhaps part of the solution can be found in the ocean?  

Time and place: , Sundvolden Hotel

The Centre for Digital Life Norway is proud to be co-organizing a national meeting for bioinformaticians in Norway, taking place at Sundvolden Hotel 28-30 September 2022

Time and place: , online

Generate a data management plan for a Life Science research project that will meet the requirements of Norwegian institutions

Time and place: , Bergen, venue tdb

The increased use of digitalization technologies in life science changes the way life science research is done. State of the art experimental techniques now routinely produce very large datasets of which the interpretation is unclear. This does not only increase our ability to interrogate the natural world, but also affects the research questions. This changes life-science research, but also our view of what a living system is. The practical consequences of this are still unclear.

Time and place: , Domus Juridica Undervisningsrom 3248

Welcome to the summer school “engaging in critical research within institutions”, co-organised by the AFINO and DLN centres!

Summer school: 7 September – 9 September 2022

Time and place: , NMBU, Ås

This course will give you theoretical insight and practical skills related to biophysics-based modelling of neurons, neural networks and associated brain signals.

Time and place: , Kringler gjestegård, Maura

This year, DLN and the Research Council of Norway are opening their policy forum to the AFINO centre, which is a co-organiser of the 2022 edition.