Previous events - Page 34

Time and place: , Forskningsparken / meeting room Fauna

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Time and place: , NHA 1120

Financial risk arising from the increasing of life expectancy. This is all in a nutshell. To know more, come to the lecture: forecasting, modelling, quantification.

Time and place: , Abels Utsikt (NHA 1259)
Time and place: , Niels Henrik Abels hus: Undervisningsrom 1119

We combine a systematic approach for deriving general a posteriori
 error estimates for convex minimization problems using convex duality relations with a recently derived generalized Marini formula. The resulting a posteriori error estimates are essentially constant-free and apply to a large class of variational problems including the p-Dirichlet problem, as well as degenerate minimization, obstacle and image de-noising problems.
For the p-Dirichlet problem, the a posteriori error bounds are equivalent to the classical residual type a posteriori error bounds and, hence, reliable and efficient.

Time and place: , Digital (Zoom) and streamed in Aud 2, The Geology Building

Welcome to our GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Friday 16th of September @ 12:15 in Aud. 2, Geology building or via videolink using Zoom. The seminar is helt by Edina Pozer, Library of medicine and science, UiO

Time and place: , Peisestua (room 304), Svein Rosselands Hus / Zoom

Saghir Bashir, ilustat & Centre of Statistics and its Applications (CEAUL), Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon.

Time and place: , DSC-Oasen, HumSam library, Georg Sverdrups hus

Is it difficult to set aside time to write? The Academic Writing Centre arranges joint, structured “Shut Up & Write” sessions.

Time and place: , NHA B1119

Abstract (PDF)

Time and place: , Auditorium 3

by Lennart de Groot

From the  Utrecht University

Hosted by Mat Domeier

Time and place: , Auditorium 1, Pharmacy building

Doctoral candidate Elisabeth Opsjøn Lampe at the Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis "The fish pathogen Francisella noatunensis subsp noatunensis: virulence factor characterization and vaccine development" for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Time and place: , The Science Library

Welcome to our dScience lunch seminar in the Science Library! This event is open to everyone.

Time and place: , Oslo Science Park, Toppsenteret, Room: Forum

Title: FORCeS Scientific Workshop 2022

In connection with the annual meeting of the EU H2020 project FORCeS (“Constrained aerosol forcing for improved climate projections”), there will be an open workshop with presentations of results from the project as well as from external speakers. If you would like to participate in the workshop in person, please sign up here within Wednesday 7 Sep 12:00.

Time and place: , The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters

A conference in honour of Nils Henrik Risebro on the occasion of his 60th birthday.

Time and place: , room 720 and Zoom - Niels Henrik Abels hus

Doctoral candidate Dennis Schroers at the Department of Mathematics will be defending the thesis New Topics in Nonlinear Functional Data Analysis for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Time and place: , Niels Henrik Abels hus, 9th floor

José Carlos Nieto Borge is a marine physicist and associate professor at the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Spain.

Time and place: , Peisestua (room 304), Svein Rosselands Hus / Zoom

Daniel Herman, PhD student at Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo.

Time and place: , Auditorium 3

by Jyotirmoy Paul

From the  University of Bayreuth

Hosted by Clint Conrad

Time and place: , Peisestua (rom 304), Svein Rosselands hus / Zoom

Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz, Astronomy & Astrophysics Department, University of California, Santa Cruz

Time and place: , Erling Sverdrups plass, Niels Henrik Abels hus, 8th floor
Time and place: , Klækken Hotell

The Hylleraas Annual Meeting 2022 will be held at Klækken Hotell from Sep 5 - 7

Time and place: , Room 1259 "Abels utsikt", 12th floor, Niels Henrik Abels hus, University of Oslo

A four-days workshop to appreciate and discuss advances in risk and stochastics with a close look into applications and numerical methods

Time and place: , Digital (Zoom) and streamed in Aud 2, The Geology Building

Welcome to our GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Friday 2nd of September @ 12:15 in Aud. 2, Geology building or via videolink using Zoom. The seminar is helt by Esteban Alonso-González, Postdoc, CESBIO.

Time and place: , Niels Henrik Abels hus, 9th floor

We consider the linearized elasticity equations, discretized using multi-patch Isogeometric Analysis. To solve the resulting linear system, we choose the Dual-Primal Isogeometric Tearing and Interconnecting (IETI-DP) Method with a scaled Dirichlet preconditioner. We are interested in a convergence analysis. See more details below.

We will present the results of numerical experiments that demonstrate our theoretical findings.

Time and place: , Peisestua (room 304), Svein Rosselands Hus / Zoom

Romain Teyssier, Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University (USA).

Time and place: , DSC-Oasen, HumSam library, Georg Sverdrups hus

Is it difficult to set aside time to write? The Academic Writing Centre arranges joint, structured “Shut Up & Write” sessions.