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Seminars, courses and the educational component of your PhD

During the PhD Programme, you will complete coursework equivalent to six months' work. In addition, you can attend seminars, participate in research schools and plan your career with our carreer programme.

Candidates following a seminar in an auditorium

The educational component of your PhD

The educational component, equivalent to six months’ work or between 30 to 40 credits, is compulsory for all candidates on the PhD programme.

PhD-level courses

Attending courses as a visiting PhD candidate

If you have been admitted to a PhD programme at an educational institution other than UiO, you can apply for a visiting PhD candidate status on our courses in natural sciences on PhD-level (9000-level).

More information on visiting PhD candidate status

Image may contain: Jeans, Trousers, Table, Furniture, Smile.

National research schools

The national research schools supplement the PhD programme.

ScienceCareer logo

Early Career Researchers Support

As an early career researcher, it is your responsibility to consider and plan your career, and as your institution, we consider it our responsibility to support you in this process.