Courses and events


Time and place: , Ole Johan Dahls hus

Take part in the illuminating Career Fair Day concluding WEEK 2. Companies are invited to participate, interact, and showcase potential career pathways.

Time and place: , Smalltalk, Ole Johan Dahls hus

Director of RITMO and an open research advocate, Alexander Refsum Jensenius, discuss the evolving landscape of research assessment and what it means for the future of your career.

Time and place: , Smalltalk, Ole Johan Dahls hus

To establish a sustainable career in Norway, early career researchers should explore the exciting journey to transition from academia to industry.

Time and place: , Smalltalk, Ole Johan Dahls hus

We take a closer look at the CV and track record that is used when you submit a proposal for an academic grant to shed light on how to fill in these forms, and what you need to do to fill the gaps in your CV.

Time and place: , Logo, Ole Johan Dahls hus

This session will focus on how you can present yourself and your competencies to the employers you will meet at the career fair. You will gain insight to how employers think, and why they attend at UiO. You will also get some tips on how to use LinkedIn as a tool and what you can do to get the most of the day.

Time and place: , Logo, Ole Johan Dahls hus

Are you wondering where to work if you are not going to continue in academia? Get the tools you need to explore your opportunities and gain an overview. When you know what options you have, you will more easily make career decisions that are right for you.

Time and place: , Smalltalk, Ole Johan Dahls hus

A double whammy: first an overview of the main sources of research funding, then hands-on experiences from those who got it.

Time and place: , Logo, Ole Johan Dahls hus

Do you know how you can communicate your competence through a CV & cover letter so you will be invited to a job interview? Come to this workshop to learn about the do`s and don’ts when it comes to writing a CV & cover letter to employers in the industry.

Time and place: , Smalltalk, Ole Johan Dahls hus

Get the low-down: What do you need to create a successful proposal?

Time and place: , Smalltalk, Ole Johan Dahls hus

Innovation – Knowledge in use

Time and place: , Fysikkbygningen

As part of our commitment to fostering your career development, during WEEK 2, we're offering exclusive 30-minute individual career counseling sessions.

Time and place: , Python, Ole Johan Dahls hus

Have you ever felt like you don't quite belong in academic research? Experienced doubts about your own competence despite your achievements? Or maybe you are just interested in learning how to work with diversity to strengthen your project and work environment? Then you are warmly welcomed to our workshop, which addresses two critical aspects of the academic life: Imposter Syndrome and biases.

Time and place: , Logo, Ole Johan Dahls hus

This workshop will give you tools for identifying scientific publication channels, navigate publishing agreements and self-archiving policies. You will do practical exercises, explore examples, and have insightful discussions with your peers.

Time and place: , Smalltalk, Ole Johan Dahls hus

Creating an inclusive research environment requires skill in navigating diversity while also avoiding conflict. This workshop is designed to provide you with the tools and insights necessary to handle conflict skillfully or avoid it altogether.

Time and place: , Logo, Ole Johan Dahls hus

This session will focus on how you can present yourself and your competencies to the employers you will meet at the career fair. You will gain insight to how employers think, and why they attend at UiO. You will also get some tips on how to use LinkedIn as a tool and what you can do to get the most of the day.

Time and place: , Python, Ole Johan Dahls hus

Learn about different tools, platforms, and services to share your research and other contributions, and how to utilise them to make yourself and your work more visible. In this workshop you will get hands-on help to build your online profile!

Time and place: , Perl, Ole Johan Dahls hus

How can you explain your science and make it interesting for a wide audience? In this hands-on workshop, you will learn useful tools for popular science writing and prepare an outline for your own article.

Time and place: , Logo, Ole-Johan Dahls hus

In this workshop we will explore how to make your research available to stakeholders, e.g. policymakers, industry, businesses, or organisations. An important part of this process is to identify who these stakeholders may be, and how to reach out to them to get your research noticed, understood and used in an ethical way.

Time and place: , Python, Ole-Johan Dahls hus

In the modern age, where information flows rapidly and knowledge dissemination is facilitated by various platforms, being able to communicate research is not just an option but a necessity.

Time and place: , Simula, Ole-Johan Dahls hus

Start the day with a coffee and kick off WEEK 2 with Rector Svein Stølen, MN Dean Solveig Kristensen and OD Dean Tiril Willumsen.

Before leaning into how to make your presentations more impactful and memorable.

Breakfast will be served at 09:30.