Grand opening of WEEK 2 + The art of powerful presentations

Start the day with a coffee and kick off WEEK 2 with Rector Svein Stølen, MN Dean Solveig Kristensen and OD Dean Tiril Willumsen.

Before leaning into how to make your presentations more impactful and memorable.

Breakfast will be served at 09:30.

Image may contain: Microphone, Audio equipment, Microphone stand, Public address system, Font.
Photo: Ilyass Seddoug/Unsplash

Sign up!

After the grand opening we invite the presentation and rhetoric’s specialists Shane Colvin and Kristian Bjørkdahl to guide you through the steps to making your presentations more impactful and memorable

The aim of this session is to provide you with knowledge and skills to use Rhetoric and PowerPoint as effective tools to enhance your research communication and public speaking skills. 

Practical information

  • Event duration: 2 hours
  • Number of participants: 300
  • Target group: PhD candidates, postdoctoral fellows and researchers who want their presentations to stand out at conferences, during teaching, or at other public speaking events.  


Kristian Bjørkdahl, Associate Professor of Rhetoric at the Department of Rhetoric, Language, and Communication within the Faculty of Humanities, is a versatile researcher specializing in political rhetoric across diverse arenas and public opinion. Presently, his research delves into the dynamics of trust, the concept of publicness, and the role of pragmatism as either a political theory or counter-theory.

Senior Engineer Shane Colvin from the Research and Communication Department, Faculty of Educational Sciences.


The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, the Faculty of Dentistry, the Natural History Museum, the Science Library
Published Nov. 2, 2023 11:25 AM - Last modified Jan. 8, 2024 5:06 PM