X/Twitter: Should you stay, or should you go?

In this talk, Glen Peters, Norway’s most salient academic on X (former Twitter) and a global carbon cycle scientist, will give you the recipe on how to make this, or other SoMe-channels, boost your research, thinking, writing, and academic network.

Portrait of Peters. Photo

See the full list of events. Photo: CICERO Center for International Climate Research

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Course content and outcome goals

In a blast, this course lasts only sixty minutes, you will learn how to:

  • overcome your own resistance to start sharing and discussing in public
  • share your research findings in engaging ways
  • organize your SoMe activities strategically from the outset
  • gain the right followers
  • find relevant academics to follow (and keep track of them)
  • interact with your followers in various ways
  • avoid falling into the wrong rabbit holes
  • innovate your own research ideas on SoMe and help others develop theirs

The instructor will do this by telling the story of his own X/Twitter journey through the past ten years, and what he plans to do next. 

Target audience

This session is for academics who are pondering whether to use X/Twitter as one of the tools and channels to disseminate, discuss, and develop their research. Also relevant for other SoMe channels.


Glen Peters is Senior Scientist in the Climate Mitigation Group at the CICERO Center for International Climate Research and an IPCC Sixth Assessment Report lead author. Peters is one of the world’s most cited researchers, in any field, and Norway's most salient researcher on social media (according to the TwiLi Index).


The Faculty of Educational Sciences
Tags: career development, Social media, week 42
Published Oct. 18, 2023 3:59 PM - Last modified Nov. 1, 2023 2:39 PM