Literature search workshop

A well-executed literature search forms the foundation of knowledge on specific topics, prevents redundant research, helps identify research gaps, and provides an opportunity to position your own research.

Magnifying glass on open book

See the full list of events. Illustration photo: Unsplash

Sign up to course

In this workshop, we will guide you through a step-by-step process of conducting a comprehensive literature search. During the workshop, we will cover various types of literature searches and their purposes. Additionally, we will demonstrate advanced search techniques and how to effectively utilize them.

You will have the opportunity to practice hands-on searches in multiple databases and become familiar with their functions.

Take aways

  • Gain an in-depth understanding of identifying relevant search terms
  • Develop effective search strategies
  • Learn advanced search techniques
  • Conduct high-quality literature searches
  • Utilize the resources available at the University Library (UB) throughout the stages of a literature search

The target audience is researchers.


Johanne Longva and Glenn Karlsen Bjerkenes / Head librarians at the University Library


The Faculty of Educational Sciences
Published Oct. 18, 2023 3:59 PM - Last modified Nov. 1, 2023 2:39 PM