THNK before you talk – how to get your message across

THNK – Trust, Human emotions, Narratives and Kreativity, is a science based check list for effective communication of science (and other important messages).

Portrait of Røislien

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As project manager for research project Covid Communication (COVCOM), Røislien and his group have performed extensive qualitative and quantitative research into effective knowledge dissemination, using the recent corona virus pandemic as a case study. 

In his talk, Røislien will present results from this research project – including a practical checklist for effective science communication. Results are presented in his recent book THNK before you talk.

Take aways

In order to optimize your outreach efficiency you have to THNK: Trust, Human emotions, Narratives and Kreativity.

The talk is open for reserachers, reserach administrators and everyone interested in research communication. 


Professor Jo Røislien is a Norwegian mathematician, lecturer, writer, executive producer and TV presenter. He holds a doctorate in geostatistics, before switching to biostatistics. Røislien is currently Professor of Medical Statistics at the University of Stavanger, Norway, and Honorary Professor at the University of Aalborg, Denmark, where he primarily does research within the health sciences, having co-authored more than 100 research papers. The Norwegian Research Council have awarded funding to a large and ambitious project which will research the effect of communication during a pandemic, where Røislien is Project manager.


The Faculty of Educational Sciences
Published Oct. 18, 2023 3:59 PM - Last modified Nov. 1, 2023 2:39 PM