Week 42: Boost your research career!

Boost your research career at UV! Week 42 (banner)

Every Week 42, researchers at UV are offered a wide range of courses in core academic skills; data management, open research, assessment of researchers, how to write research proposals, and several ways to communicate your results –  to name a few. Use this week to fill up with tools, techniques and resources that will elevate your career!

X/Twitter: Should you stay, or should you go?

In this talk, Glen Peters, Norway’s most salient academic on X (former Twitter) and a global carbon cycle scientist, will give you the recipe on how to make this, or other SoMe-channels, boost your research, thinking, writing, and academic network.

FAIRification is not a FAIRy tale!

How to ensure use and reuse of qualitative and context-sensitive data? The QualiFAIR project will introduce you to the main challenges researchers face in the FAIRification of qualitative and context-sensitive data and what you can do to facilitate sharing, reuse and multiple use of research data.

Register today!  

Several events are now fully booked, but you can still sign up to waiting list. Check the full list of events and sign up for available events today to secure a place! Questions or comments? Contact us at careerboost@uv.uio.no!

All courses and events

Portrettt av Jo Røyslien og teksten Uke 42

THNK before your talk – how to get your message across with professor Jo Røislien

THNK – Trust, Human emotions, Narratives and Kreativity, is a science based check list for effective communication of science (and other important messages).