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Study and research abroad

All PhD candidates are encouraged to study and research abroad as part of data collection or fieldwork related to their thesis, or to receive guidance and other academic support at another university.

The faculty encourages you to have an international orientation. International experience will be crucial for future employment in an academic position and for external project funding. Staying abroad provides you with valuable experience and an opportunity to establish contacts and build networks.

How do I proceed if I want to study and research abroad?

To travel, you need funding for the stay and an approval from your supervisory group and employer. 

Rights for candidates with mandatory duties at UiO

If you have mandatory duties, UiO must arrange your mandatory duties so that you may spend at least six months abroad.

Common types of stays abroad

  • Guest researcher stays (short stays lasting 2 weeks to 3 months, or longer stays lasting 3-12 months)
  • To visit a supervisor
  • Field work
  • Course or seminar participation
  • Conference participation

Funding sources

Talk to your supervisor to find out what funding sources you have available for the trip you are planning. 

If you lack funding, there are other sources you can apply for. Here are some suggestions:

Published Apr. 11, 2016 3:16 PM - Last modified June 28, 2024 9:13 AM