Norwegian version of this page

Research ethics

Research ethics comprises multiple sets of norms and guidelines. All researchers must be well acquainted with these, know how they are connected and be familiar with the ethical challenges that pertain specifically to your own field of research.

Norwegian law on research ethics

The law applies to all research in Norway and aims to ensure that research is conducted in accordance with recognized ethical standards.

National Research Ethics Committees 

Research ethics is regulated by both national and international laws and guidelines. Different research fields have different ethical challenges. The National Research Ethics Committees have developed ethical guidelines for the different fields of study.

UiO Standard for Research Integrity

The University Board adopted on October 19, 2021, a standard for research integrity to clarify which sets of norms for research integrity are relevant for the university and its employees' activities. The standard collectively expresses what constitutes honest conduct in research.

Committees and Science Ombud

UiO has a Committee for Research Integrity and a Science Ombud.

Published June 17, 2024 1:44 PM - Last modified June 25, 2024 11:39 AM