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Progress reporting at the Department of Physics

PhD-candidates and supervisors at the Department of Physics are expected to take part in a 3rd semester evaluation meeting and later on submit annual reports on the progress of the candidate. 

In addition to the formal reports both candidates and supervisors are welcome to contact the PhD council at any time if needed. 

3rd semester follow-up

All candidates and their supervisors are invited to a meeting in the 3rd semester with representatives from the PhD committee at the Department. This meeting is mandatory. 

The candidates are asked to prepare a 12 minute presentation that should include the following points: 

- a short description of their research project and the progress so far

- comments on any changes from the project plan

- comments regarding teaching duties for candidates with a 4-year contract

- status update for the educational component

- an overview of publications that are accepted, submitted or in progress

-  how supervision is organized


The representatives from the PhD committee will discuss supervision with both the candidate and the supervisor separately. 

Schedule for 3rd semester follow-up meetings in the Spring semester of 2024.

Annual reporting

All doctoral candidates and their supervisors have to submit separate reports on the candidate's progress once a year. The study administration informs both candidates and supervisors about the process and the links to the online report forms.  




Published Sep. 20, 2020 11:02 AM - Last modified June 18, 2024 10:56 AM