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Progress reporting for PhD candidates and supervisors at the Department of Geosciences

PhD candidates and supervisors must reports progress during the PhD degree. This is to ensure that PhD candidates receive necessary support  and to aid a smooth implementation of their PhD project.

The progress reports includes a compulsory meeting in the 3rd semester followed by yearly reports filed online.

Third semester reports

All PhD candidates are invited to a meeting between 12 and 15 months after the PhD candidates appointment date. This third semester report meeting is mandatory and the purpose is to follow up the supervisor relationship and the candidate's progress until now. 

The purpose

The meeting is conducted to give PhD candidates the opportunity to present their work, to get external input and new ideas for further research, rethink their project, and ultimately increase their confidence in own work and their job satisfaction. It also provides an opportunity for the candidate, their supervisors, and the PhD committee, to identify challenges with the project and take appropriate actions.

The expectation for the evaluation is not for the candidate to show a significant academic production, but rather to ensure that the project is developing as planned.

Third semester report meetings procedure

  • The head of section appoints a committee of three members and set a date for the meeting together with the candidate and supervisors.
  • At the meeting, the candidate starts with a short presentation (max 30 minutes) of how the research project is going.
  • Next comes a conversation where both the candidate and the supervisor is involved.
  • The supervisor leaves and the candidate can take the opportunity to speak freely about any issue confidentially.
  • The committee can also talk to the supervisor without you being present if they wish.
  • The third semester progress report form will be filled in by the committee during the meeting.

Annual reporting

All PhD candidates and their supervisors have to submit separate reports on the candidate's progress once a year. The student administration sends out a reminder, links to the online report forms and information at the beginning of each year.

The annual report is an important tool for monitoring and helping each PhD candidate and supporting the relationship with their supervisors. It is therefore important that everyone submits the report at the beginning of the year.

Annual reporting procedure

  • At the beginning of each year, we ask you to report for the last year. So in January 2021, you report for 2020.
  • Reporting is done by filling in an online form that we send out. The administration collects individual progress reports from both PhD candidates and their supervisors. Co-supervisors may file joint reports with the main supervisor, if they wish to.
  • All PhD candidates are offered a conversation with the leader of the PhD council. PhD candidates may also, at any time during the year (regardless of reporting), request a meeting with the PhD council leader. Please contact the student administration for an appointment.
  • The head of the PhD committee and student administration compares the responses from both PhD candidates and supervisors. Any deviations will be discussed and  measures taken.
  • After a PhD candidate has defended their thesis, all report papers are shredded. 

Who can and must report yearly?

You have to report if:

  • the third semester meeting has been conducted.

Who can, but is not expected to report?

All doctoral candidates and their supervisors who

  • have had the third semester meeting during the year of the reporting
  • have started their PhD studies during the year of the reporting 
  • are on a leave of absence. They should report for the period they have been active during the year of the reporting.
  • have an agreement that has expired, but who are still working on their PhD projects. Please do remember to apply for extension of the contract in that case.

If you have submitted your thesis?

  • You should not submit an annual report, but you can contact us in case you want to give any feedback or need help.


Published Feb. 6, 2018 8:11 PM - Last modified July 7, 2023 10:01 AM