Norwegian version of this page

Submission and printing

You must apply to the faculty for assessment of the thesis no later than three months before the planned public defence.


The application for assessment of the thesis must be submitted to the department you have been admitted to. The educational component must be completed and passed in its entirety before you can apply.

The following must be included with your application:

  • the thesis saved as an electronic file, the thesis must have two scientific summaries: a Norwegian and an English.
  • co-author declarations for articles with more than one author
  • documentation  that the necessary permits and declarations of impartiality have been obtained
  • confirmation that the educational component has been completed and passed
  • the main supervisor’s recommendation to members of the adjudication committee
  • the declarations of independence for the members of the adjudication committee
  • the Ph.D. candidate’s remarks on the composition of the adjudication committee, where applicable

The department will inform the Ph.D. candidate of the composition of the adjudication committee.

Popular scientific summary

A popular scientific summary must be submitted to the department no later than 5 weeks before the public defence. This summary will be used in the announcement of your PhD defence and trial lecture at the faculty webpages. 

Printing of the thesis

List of errata

The thesis must be printed as it was at the time of submission unless the Faculty has approved a revision of the thesis proposed by the assessment committee. This means that there are limited opportunities for making changes to the thesis before printing. Only formal changes of a technical nature, such as orthographic errors, punctuation errors and missing or superfluous references are permitted. Changes that affect the meaning of the thesis will not be accepted.

After submission, the PhD candidate can apply for permission to correct formal errors in the thesis. The application must include a complete overview of the relevant errors. An application to correct formal errors (list of errata) must be submitted to the department no later than six weeks before the public defence of the thesis.


Download the requisition form after the dean has approved the recommendation.

Additional copies for your own use may also be printed. You will be billed separately for the additional copies you order. Your billing address must be stated on the requisition form.

After you have filled in the fields about yourself and the thesis, you must submit the requisition form to your administrative officer to sign before he/she returns it to you. The faculty will cover the costs of the obligatory 30 copies of the thesis. It is your administrative officer who fills in the Org. Unit ID and delivery address for the 30 copies, including the ISBN-number.

Send the completed and signed requisition form and thesis to Graphic center.

Printing can under no circumstances start before the dean has approved the recommendation.

The University has its own print service Graphic center. They recommend that the whole thesis is submitted as a pdf-file. Contact Graphic center directly by phone or email if you have any questions about printing or script layout.

PhD theses published by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences have a standard format and cover, and a serial number (ISBN). The cover has been standardised in accordance with the University of Oslo's graphic profile.

The publisher needs five working days for printing. During peak season printing can take somewhat longer time.

Digital research archive at UiO (DUO)

If desirable, the PhD candidate can publish the thesis digitally in DUO - Digital research archive at UiO.

The purpose of DUO is to create an effective system of academic communication on a par with the fundamental objectives of research, and the broadest possible dissemination of research findings. Publishing in the DUO research archive helps to profile PhD candidates and their research in national and international research communities. The thesis is archived in DUO and will be accessible via a permanent URL.

Published Apr. 11, 2016 3:28 PM - Last modified Feb. 6, 2024 4:10 PM