Regelverk for opptak av forelesninger ved MN


The MN faculty recommends two main solutions for how to record a lecture:

  1. Record a screencast (lecturer's voice and screen) at a lecture with students present and publish in the timetable on the semester page afterwards.
  2. Pre-record the lecture and publish it in the timetable on the semester page

Both solutions above ensure that neither the students' voice nor face are included in the recording, and the recordings can be safely published online.

MN does not recommend recording live digital lectures in Zoom, because the students' faces and voices can't be included in the recording. If you still want to record a live digital lecture in Zoom, make sure that none of the students' faces or voices can be identified. You must do this before publishing the recording, e.g. by editing the recording in a video editing program.

Read UiO's rules for the execution and use of recordings with regard to privacy

Copyright and classification of data

Read UiO's guidelines for publishing data with a view to copyright and classification of data (green, yellow, red and black data).

Published Aug. 17, 2020 10:27 AM - Last modified Aug. 21, 2020 12:24 PM