We are looking for MN Buddy Coordinators

Are you an enthusiastic student who value a positive learning environment? Would you like to give new students their best possible start at our Faculty? Are you proud of the student activities and culture at MN? We are looking for you.

Image may contain: Plant, Tree, Leaf, People in nature, Natural landscape.

Buddy Coordinators

We are looking for two students for two different engagements. Each coordinator will be paid NOK 7.500,- in February, and 7.500,- in September. Some volunteer work is expected.

The engagement starts 01.12.2015 and lasts for one year until 01.12.2016.

Each coordinator will be given a thorough training, and the current buddy coordinator will help to ensure a good starting point.


1. Coordinator for the Norwegian buddy system

The buddy coordinator provides good communication between the buddy coordinators for each study programme, the Faculty and the Buddy system at UiO.

These are the main tasks:

  • Recruit buddies for the one-year science and technology study programme ("årsenheten")
  • Plan and execute meetings with the programme buddy coordinators, and develop a common ground among the different programmes
  • Coordinate and organise joint MN social events during the buddy week
  • Act as MN representative for the UiO buddy system
  • Help the UiO buddy system in handling and distributing the buddy "goodie bags", as well as help with the joint UiO social events during the buddy week
  • Participate in the UiO seminar for buddy coordinators
  • Contribute in planning and executing social buddy events for international students in both January and August

2. Coordinator for International Buddies

This engagement is new as of 2016. We would like to increase the focus on acitivities for new international students, in regards to a positive starting point, as well as good integration with Norwegian and other students later on. The coordinator for international buddies at MN is the link between the Faculty administration and the international buddies.

The main tasks are:

  • Recruit enough buddies to new international students in January as well as August
  • Plan and execute meetings with the buddies, and ensure good communication with all the involved
  • Participate in the UiO seminar for buddy coordinators
  • Plan and execute the social arrangements for new international students in January as well as August
  • Contribute when necessary to the Norwegian buddy coordinator's work

Who are we looking for?

  • You are a student at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
  • You are an independent and efficient worker
  • You have the ability to network with others and create enthusiasm for the project
  • You are both determined and creative

Experience from student volunteer work is an advantage.

How to apply

Send an application with your CV to ingrid.sand@mn.uio.no

Application deadline: 19 November

Interviews will be held during the last part of November.

Contact person:

Semester start coordinator at MN, Ingrid Sand.


Published Nov. 2, 2015 1:47 PM - Last modified Sep. 6, 2022 6:32 AM