How to apply to UNIS as an exchange student at the MN Faculty

If you want to apply for courses at UNIS, you must apply for admission to both UNIS and UiO.

How to apply

The login procedure to UiO and UNIS are different. Read the following information carefully!

1. Apply to UiO

How to apply to UIO

2. Apply to UNIS

Choose Register new international applicant. Write in your application that you are applying through an agreement with the University of Oslo.

The application deadline is 15 April/15 October

How to apply to UNIS 

You must accept the offer at both UiO and UNIS.

Semester registration for admitted students

Students admitted to UNIS must complete the semester registration at UiO as well. Exchange students are exempt from paying the semester fee at UiO. 

Student housing

Once admitted to courses at UNIS you can apply for student housing in Longyearbyen through Samskipnaden.

Certificate of Arrival and Learning Agreement

Certificates of Arrival are signed in Longyearbyen for students who are admitted at UNIS.

Learning Agreements are signed at the University of Oslo. You may send your Learning Agreement to for signing.

If you are not admitted to UNIS

UNIS has limited enrollment capacity. If you are not admitted, you may spend your exchange stay at UiO. We recommend all applicants to have a plan for courses at UiO in case you are not admitted. If studying at UiO in Oslo is your backup plan, make sure that you apply for housing in Oslo by the given deadline.

Contact us!

MN International

E-mail: studieinfo[a]

Telephone: +47 22 85 63 44