Amalie, Karoline and Trond Vidar have published an article on the first total synthesis of RvD2n-3 DPA and antibacterial effects

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Amalie, Karoline and Trond Vidar have published an article that reports the first total synthesis of the specialized pro-resolving mediator RvD2n-3 DPA as well as some antibacterial activities that this SPM possesses. The article is published together with collaborators at Queen Mary University of London. itch in mice. The results show that RvD2n-3 DPA is of interest as a lead towards developing new immunoresolvents against bacterial infections.

The article is found here:

Congratulations to Amalie, Karoline and Trond Vidar!

Published Apr. 22, 2022 3:05 PM - Last modified Apr. 22, 2022 3:05 PM