New Research and Teaching Environment at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science (MatNat), UiO: PharmaTox!

The PharmaTox represents a new interdisciplinary Research and Teaching Environment at MatNat led by professor Hedvig Nordeng.

United, the PharmaTox represents a new interdisciplinary Research and Teaching Environment at MatNat led by upcoming young scientists in close collaboration with recognized experienced experts to generate novel insights into the effects of pharmaceuticals on human neurotoxicity and neurodevelopment. The cultural renewal lies in a much stronger focus on interdisciplinary teamwork, career development, creation of an inspiring learning environment, generic competencies and international leadership.

The aim is to determine the impact of specific medications on neurodevelopment and propose the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved. Under the joint supervision from Endringsmiljø-partners at FAI, IBV, IFI and MI, Phd-students, post docs and master students will form highly interdisciplinary teams that develop novel statistical methodology for the study of genotype-phenotype relations, implemented in versatile software systems, using the study of biological mechanisms underlying drug toxicity and neurodevelopment as a driving application. An important data source for the application will be genetic and epigenetic data derived from blood samples of infants in the Norwegian Mother and Child cohort, along with corresponding epidemiological data. Moreover, to give biological plausible molecular and cellular mechanisms neurotoxicity, a CNS pharmacology safety model (chick embryo) and human stem cells models will be used.

The research projects within PharmaTox will involve specialists in neurotoxicology, pharmacology, teratology, statistics, bioinformatics, epigenetics and epidemiology and will be led by professor Hedvig Nordeng.

Published Jan. 19, 2015 4:38 PM