A visit from the Netherlands

PhD-student Richelle Vlenterie is visiting the Pharma-Safe research environment at University of Oslo to expand her knowledge, work together with people who have experience with regards to drug safety, and have access to the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa) dataset.

Phd student Richelle Vlenterie. 

Photo: private

Richelle Vlenterie started her PhD studies in 2013 at the Radboudumc in Nijmegen in the Netherlands. As the prevalence of paracetamol use is high among pregnant women, it is important to examine all possible risks which can be associated with exposure to paracetemol in utero and certain health outcomes for the child. Therefore Vlenterie is investigating the effect of paracetamol use during pregnancy, and the risk on neurodevelopmental disorders when the child is 18 months old for her dissertation.

Vlenterie wanted to have a research stay abroad to develop her research methods and to learn new techniques and qualities. When asked why she chose to come to the Pharma-Safe group she mentions in particular the MoBa-study:

"The MoBa study contains data of good quality and has a huge population size which makes it possible to study a lot of interesting research questions which might not be possible in other existing prospective cohorts. Therefore, it is an unique opportunity to come to Oslo and work with the MoBa dataset.

In addition, I would like to increase my knowledge and develop myself, work together with people who have more experience and learn from them, and of course I also hope to have a good time and meet nice people here in Oslo. All my colleagues at the department of the School of Pharmacy are interesting and nice people, so I know for sure I will have a great time here" Vlenterie states.


We at Pharma-Safe would like to thank Richelle Vlenterie for her stay and contributions to the Pharma-Safe environment at the University of Oslo. We wish her the best of luck with her ongoing research.


Published Nov. 10, 2015 4:05 PM - Last modified Apr. 27, 2020 8:19 AM