Pharmacy student got a job in Store norske leksikon

In the latest Norsk Farmaceutisk Tidsskrift we can read about pharmacy student Tor Halvor Johansen who got a job in Store norske leksikon after a school exercise. 

Store norske leksikon is a Norwegian online encyclopedia. The pharmacy students at UiO had an exercise last year to write a new article and edit an existing article within the field of pharmacology. Some of the best students got their articles published, and one student who excelled was Tor Halvor Johansen. Store norske leksikon highly appreciated his work, and offered him a job. The job consists of editing already existing articles, as well as writing new articles.

Read the article here (only in norwegian).


Pharmacy student Tor Halvor Johansen and Professor Hedvig Nordeng. Photo: Lars Brock Nilsen
Published Mar. 24, 2017 10:05 AM - Last modified July 4, 2017 1:03 PM