New textbooks from the School of Pharmacy

Read more about two of this autumn's new textbooks from the School of Pharmacy.

Hedvig Nordeng and Anne Gerd Granås with their new textbooks. 

Photo: private 

Prof. Hedvig Nordeng and Prof. Anne Gerd Granås at the Scool of Pharmacy, UiO, are launcing new editions of the textbooks "Legemidler og bruken av dem" and "Samfunnsfarmasi". The textbooks are used by nursing students and pharmacy students, respectively. 

Part of the teams are co-editors Prof. Olav Spigset, St.Olavs hospital/NTNU, and former associate professor Kjersti Bakken, UiT, respectively, in addition to several other skilfull co-authors.  

Published Sep. 17, 2018 10:28 AM - Last modified Sep. 17, 2018 10:38 AM