Summer student presentations

PharmaSafe and UiO:RealArt were fortunate to receive funding for eleven summer students from UiO:Life Science this past summer. All summer students presented their work in a closing event on October 13, and we are proud to say that the PharmaSafe and UiO:RealArt students participated in this event.


Out of the six students chosen to give talks about their summer projects, three had done their projects with supervisors at PharmaSafe. Congratulations to Nasimeh Naseri, Anastasia Brativnyk, and Tania Nasrin for giving high quality presentations:

  • SynthPower – Simulating DNA methylation data and stress-testing statistical power calculators in epigenetic epidemiology (Nasimeh and Anastasia)
  • Association of partner support and antidepressant treatment during preconception pregnancy and after child birth (Tania)

The jury awarded the best academic poster prize to PharmaSafe and UiO:RealArt summer students Nasimeh and Anastasia for their poster “SynthPower – Simulating DNA methylation data and stress-testing statistical power calculators in epigenetic epidemiology”. Congratulations to Nasimeh and Anastasia on their award!

Please join us in congratulating all PharmaSafe and UiO:RealArt summer students on a job well done.

Click here for more information about this event. Click here for a Norwegian article about Nasimeh, Anastasia, and summer student projects.

Published Oct. 24, 2022 2:34 PM - Last modified Oct. 25, 2022 11:12 AM