ERASMUS Master student joins PharmaSafe

Join us in welcoming ERASMUS student Anastasia Giorcelli. Read this news item to learn more about her.

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Since childhood I have shown a natural attitude on mathematics that during high school evolved into a passion, so I attended the Faculty of Pure Mathematics at the University of Torino.

At the end of my bachelor’s degree, I decided to write the thesis in the computational statistics field. Specifically, I analysed data on Coronavirus disease 2019 from two Piedmont emergency hospitals. This allowed me to be closer to epidemiology for the first time.

The possibility of directing my quantitative skills to the service of society led me to enroll in the master’s degree in Biostatistics at the University of Milano-Bicocca. There I discovered the pharmacoepidemiologic research that motivated me to join the Erasmus Traineeship.

I am grateful to PharmaSafe for giving me the possibility to be part of such a great team and to improve as a student and mostly as a biostatistician.

Published May 4, 2023 3:16 PM - Last modified May 15, 2023 12:26 PM